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Dan Patrick Reacts To Reports That Zach Wilson Is “Reluctant” To Play | 12/05/23

Dan Patrick reacts to reports that the New York Jets quarterback Zach Wilson is “reluctant” to step back in and play for the team this season


  1. Rodgers stated he never contacted Zach, get your story straight! Patrick is full of buffalo chips!

  2. This is nothing more than a hit piece. Probably started by Rodgers so he can both step in and look like the benevolent mentor and stay in the spotlight.

  3. I'm not a Jets fan or a Zach Wilson Van but this is complete b***** and I bet you if he played for the San Francisco 49ers he would be killing it

  4. Sure smells like Boyle had something to do with it with his immediate firing right after this rumor. Also when Rodgers was on McAfee he changed the subject real quick when Boyle getting fired was brought up. Rodgers was tight with Boyle too so seems REALLY odd. Diana Rossini is not a garbage reporter either. There's credibility.

  5. Its really disconcerting that all you so called experts are blaming ZW for not wanting to go back behind an offensive line that was being questioned back in summer camp, that allowed there 100 million dollar investment to be knocked out of the season after 4 plays. J.Thomas and Saleh should be fired . Seems to me ZW is smart to give the finger to the organization. No Quarterback can be effective behind that offensive line. Put the blame where it belongs. The NFL sucks anyway , all the changes have ruined the game

  6. Bad segment Dan….spend the 1st half speaking as if it 100% fact and sprinkle a if it's true at the end. Also, mentioning the O line, yes, terrible. Is that how you are riding off into retirement? A grumpy ass dude? Look out your turning into Keith.

  7. 1. I do not buy this story.

    2. I totally disagree on Saleh’s relationship with Zach. I feel like he’s made it pretty clear that he knows Zach isn’t very good but he is being forced to play him by someone above him

  8. Calling Wilson the biggest bust of all time 😂, I’m a Jets fan and the Jets are the biggest bust of all time, it matters none who the QB is.

  9. Reporter was on with Michael Kay yesterday and said there were MULTIPLE reasons Wilson didn't want to play. 1. Incompetent OL play 2. Jets have made it very clear they are moving on from him (benched him 2-3 times already) 3. Didn't want to risk injury. For whatever reason she only reported the 3rd reason which gets to Aaron Rodgers point of trying to "assassinate the kids' character".

    I know it's not the exact same, but remember how Eli Manning refused to play for the Chargers who drafted him #1? Bad organization, bad OL, bad everything. If you have watched any of the NY Jets offense this year – can you blame him for not wanting to be set up for failure AGAIN?

  10. Zach might be a bad QB and a huge bust. That's impossible to tell with the dysfunction of this organization and the joke of an OL he's supposed to play behind.

  11. I could get zach outta this. Say its not true. When they ask questions play the vulnerable role. "What you say to rodger?" I was being vulnerable saying i dont feel good enough to lead this team. I dont feel like im playing my best version. Play the losing confidence bit n pll will be cool. Ben simmoms is a great example

  12. Zach sees Aron Rodgers is cleared to play. He decides not to play. Zach sees Aron Rodgers given the choice to play or not play. He feels he should be given the same choice.

  13. Smooth Brain take. Saleh is a dogshit head coach (great dc). The Jets are a joke. He shouldn't play for that poverty franchise.

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