Golf Players

Matt Fitzpatrick brutally calls out Collin Morikawa for surprising CHEATING during Hero Challenge

Well this is surprising, Collin Morikawa called out by Matt Fitzpatrick for rules violation but what actually happened, why did Matt Fitzpatrick call Collin Morikawa and what was the end result. Find out in todays breaking golf news story, and you won’t want to miss this one.

Matt Fitzpatrick reported Collin Morikawa for the hand written notes incident on Saturday all over a cheating allogation and rule breaking. Was this harsh of Matt Fitzpatrick or the right thing to do? Find out my verdict in today’s breaking golf news story! Morikawa played with Matt Fitzpatrick on Saturday. After the news broke on Sunday, it was reported that Fitzpatrick was the one who alerted the rules officials, according to Golf Channel’s Todd Lewis.

Collin Morikawa penalised after Matt Fitzpatrick spots rule-break..

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  1. Thoughts on this rule? Is it a little harsh or for good of the game? Was Matt Fitzpatrick right to call him out?

  2. i dont think anyone should be given any reading help. we (non tour players) get no help whatsoever and are treated like dirt at courses. most of our course greens arent even clean. so when pro's cry about the tinyest things, i laugh. millionaires crying over things that don't even affect them. hey fitzpatrick…i guarantee you've done this just havent been called out yet. i challenge all the tour players to not use any notes whatsoever. they can't. they need their cheat sheets

  3. i wish average courses would hand out cheatsheets. i never been to a course that even gives a map that was helpful. its all skill so why do they get any help

  4. Dude you are SHAMELESS! Big difference between CHEATING and breaking a rule and you know it! Shame on you for the clickbait title…do you really need the views that badly? I know this is not the first time you have used the word CHEATING in place of violating a rule. It's only CHEATING when you do it on purpose, or if you unknowingly break a rule, realize it later and do not report it.
    Fitzpatrick did what any other player should have done…in fact it's a rule to call out infractions when you see them and if he didn't he would be the one CHEATING. YOU are CHEATING by using this word to describe a rule violation. .

  5. Sorry to be negative about your video, but if you are going to read out quotes, then read them with accuracy, and not just what you think they have said, skimming over some of it. Pretty shoddy, i thought.
    I agree that the rules were broken. Hopefully the players take note.

  6. Funny that this is disallowed because technology was used to compile the info in his book. If that's the issue, why are rangefinders allowed to be used in practice rounds to make note of major points of interest on the course? And for that matter, why are computers allowed to design golf clubs? My point is that technology exists, and as long as the user is not playing unduly slow, who cares, as long as everyone has the same opportunity? You can't uninvent tech, and the rules of golf are not keeping up with the times. Based on him being told this was allowed by officials in the past, I don't believe it's accurate to call this cheating. He was not trying to do anything that he had been informed was wrong.

  7. Waaaaass cry about it with your butt buddy Rorwy boooo hoooo Golf is to hard. Seems like this happens often. Also he could have just asked if he can use aim point. There wasn't any reason for anyone to think Colin was cheating in any way unless he made assumptions about it

  8. Its a bit pathetic, the way that this generation finds the use of technology as an advantage to be competitvely acceptable.

    It's the melding of the virtual world v real world.

    Well I think that you're all a bunch of babies.

    You want GPS, and wind speeds, slope readers and shot monitors and ball trackers, longer, harder balls, more forgiveness in the clubs, leave the pin in, sweep the green clean…

    Whrre does it stop, you bunch of sissy la-las ?

  9. I agree, Collin definitely made it seem like there’s other players doing it. Felt like he and his caddy agreed to cross into that grey area and give it a go and see what happens. I think they learned their lesson.

  10. A caddy these days is like having a coach with you. Their input should be removed completely. Leave the golfer be with his notebook and whatever he wants written in it.
    If he wants to do his homework on the course, more power to him.

    Zero tech should be in play. We can see what it has done to football..

  11. Ok so I’m typing and giving opinion while listening

    Pretend I’m a caddy, WITH YEARS experience. Why in the hell would I ask other caddies if something is okay?? Well I wouldn’t, so there’s that. Also If I’m asking, I must know it’s probably not okay and I’m just looking for someone to “approve” me, or I’m very stupid. Because I should know where to look this rule up or I should easily know who to ask, you know, like an official. I’m hearing bs right now so far 4:45

  12. 2 major saying to keep for life

    Stupidity is not an excuse.
    And of course;
    Just because others thought it was right, or others do it, means absolutely jack here in the real world, with adults, with real consequences

  13. I feel that rules are rules and they are to be followed. It sounds loke the PGA did a poor job of communicating 9:03 this rule and needs to communicate it again. As far as calling someone out why Colin if everyone ia doing it. Unfortunately Fitspatrick looks like a tattle-tale regardless.

  14. This rule is confusing and not necessary. If they can carry a green slope book with numbers, why not allow other numbers written on them? Where were those numbers from, eye balling?

  15. Don’t be silly w millions at stake sponsorship’s etc players use every advantage they can get. If the guy has a 100 in what stops him from looking at the book and looking over the green then not taking it out when on the green.

  16. Dumb rule serves no useful purpose whatsoever. Do not appreciate the way Fitzpatrick handled this, sounds like a rat to me.

  17. Just another way for someone just to get a little lead. This measurements of greens degrees slopes and angles is wrong. The golfer needs to read with his eyes. This is illegal at all cost. Besides its so mechanical but not a feel thing. Throw the book out and play holf

  18. I agree with you, it is happening more than this one incident however however how did Matt know that he was breaking the rules? I understand the numbers were inside the book, so did Matt look inside the book to see the numbers and how did he know he got the numbers from the practice green unless he saw him writing it down from practice green I don’t understand how the putting green can even help you on the regular golf course because the services are totally two different undulations and pitches for all 18 holes. The players can’t get a straight answer from the officials. Even the officials aren’t on the same page.

  19. As my golf-mad low handicap 13yo son says – "if you're not playing golf strictly by the rules, then you're not playing golf". Good boy.

  20. If you really want to see who the best putters are, allow none of this crap, period. No books, no charts, no aim point. No more straddling the line of a putt to read it. Just a golfer and his caddie giving it a few looks and hit the putt.

  21. PGA tour is so full of crap. I don't care if you have the old book, you still have to make a PUTT! The ONLY reason the old book was banned is because it took too much time to play a green trying to read every degree of slope on the greens. When they used the old book, the great putters won and the great putters win now without the book. Geeezzzzz

  22. 2 minutes into video and I still don't know what he did, stopped watching…. Seeking other videos that will show what he did.

  23. Ask an official not another caddy. Don't tell me top pros don't know the rules. And if they don't, more fool them.

  24. The rules are the rules, whats troubling is it clearly seems that Collin isnt the only one to be getting this rule incorrect. Maybe make it crystal clear that you cannot do this before the next event and send a blast to everyone currently on the tour or those that may play in an event at some point just to make sure. The way the officials were made aware of this does not tarnish Matt in any way. I really dont see the big deal with having the slope numbers written down in advance, I have to figure it out on every putt with only my eyes and these guys are infinitely better than me, so just get back to basics.

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