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Charles Barkley Shares Unmatched MJ Stories & Reveals They Haven’t Talked In 10 Yrs | ALL THE SMOKE

Charles Barkley shares unmatched Michael Jordan stories that only he can tell. Plus, he reveals why him and MJ haven’t talked in over 10 years, despite being great friends before then.

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  1. If so, then they have just never been true friends…Barkley has nothing to regret about.

  2. charles was a much greater player than people remember. he didn't win chips, so we forgot. and it's true what he says, others had more help and better situations. a lot has to happen for a team to win a championship.

  3. 😂 this is sad. What is he his secretary? Lol. Why do they always ask Barkley to talk about Jordan but he can’t place himself in NBA2k? Lol!!! Bruh he’s been narrating Jordan for like 20 years!!😂

  4. The one I don't get is Charles is on about his friends will never tell MJ no as they're flying in his private jet, etc. I guess they aren't his real friends then and only yes men. If I had a penny or million in my bank account, you damn sure my mates with tell me when I'm being an idiot or not. I love MJ and think he's the greatest sportsman of all time, nevermind just Basketball but man he needs to bury the hatchet with Chuck who is one of the most honest people of all time. Life is too short for petty stuff to ruin friendships.

  5. The very thing that made MJ the goat, is now his biggest weakness. His NEED to win has caused him to isolate himself. It’s more or less a sickness, similar to a gambling addict.
    Truthfully Mike probably needs therapy lol.

  6. 2-10-23 Charles Barkley you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. Michael Jordan was acting like a itch by going berserk when Charles Barkley told Michael Jordan the truth about his purchase of the Charlotte Bobcats. ✅

  7. Here is a great example that if you are a great player, you cannot be get swept in the finals. Now matter how undermanned or underdog is your team. It is unacceptable, you should at least get one. Same as iverson did it with the finals with lakers

    If you are a great player, you will do anything in your powers to get at least one game

  8. Barkley is the friend we all need. Too bad MJ didn't see the perspective Charles was trying to share. Yes the honesty is blunt but Chuck wasn't wrong. Charlotte is far from a title contender

  9. Chuck, I think MJ knows what u said is the truth. He probably just wants to hear from you alone, and not tell the whole world that he doesn't know what he is doing. It's all about 'face'.

  10. I love Chuck. But these suck. Sorry Matt and Jack. Love you guys too. But I was 12, and I remember having to go to my grandma's house to watch all the games in that finals( I'm 41 now), cuz I didn't have cable TV. My uncle taped game 3 for me so I could watch it on VHS. I've known for 30 years that MJ and Chuck both scored 42 points in game 2, but I have to sit and watch him say MJ scored 55. So this series is the one of most significant parts of his career, and he thinks MJ scores 55 in TWO games? My dad used to have to walk through 10 feet of snow for 6 miles to get to school, too.

  11. How come nobody tells a story about when every referee banned the move and only allowed MJ to get away with it?

    Or how about how they banned an entire movie because Allen Iverson made him look like a bum?

    I just don’t understand why the same people to hate Tom Brady for being forced down the throats of the public don’t have the same sentiment for the exact same scripted story of MJ

    Both sucked in high school and started average in college but from sheer hard work and determination they surpassed the hundreds of athletes every bit as athletic,smart and gritty. But yeah, keep worshiping the guy Stern tells us to!

  12. As a person who has lost friends, I have an inkling as to why their relationship isn't patched up to this day.
    From this video, it seems Barkley had no ill intent with his comments about Jordan. But, knowing MJ (as a fan I mean), I don't think it's enough for Chuck to just say "Man, I gotta do my job".
    From Michael's point of view, and I'm guessing here, he likely feels Shame from what Barkley said, his image was lowered also because Chuck did it on National TV, and to top it off, he gets to use the "It's just my job" excuse. Michael wants a sincere apology, as a friend, not as a TV professional. And… I don't think Chuck gave it to him.
    Also, here's the most important part. Could Chuck have meant some ill-intent to Jordan because of what Jordan did to him in the Finals? Is there even a 1% toxicity in Chuck when he said that about Jordan on TV to kind of lower MJ's image so that he can match up with Jordan? It's possible! Is that what Jordan wants to hear? HELL YES. Is Chuck's heart 100% pure when he said those things about MJ? You're telling me it was just 100% sincere reporting of Facts? no mal intent? Not even one micro-thought of toxicity.
    This is where Chuck's either gotta be 100% honest to himself about, and if he is, he needs to do a better job explaining that. If Chuck's not 100% honest to himself, he needs to just confess to Michael that he wanted to slightly insult him just to get back at him. There's a good chance MJ will forgive Chuck for that. But, Chuck's got an ego of his own, and that might be preventing this.
    Either way, the balls on Chuck's court here, and all MJ has to do is be available to listen.

  13. Barkley doesn't get his flowers, simply because he ran up against Mike. People don't realize that. Shaq thinks he did something because they beat the Bulls in the playoffs, but Shaq was just a huge presence, it wasn't solely on him to pull his team through. 1993, it was Barkley vs MJ, and Barkley went toe to toe arguably better than any other star in MJs prime.
    Barkley was a freak. Skillwise he is top 10 all time for me.

  14. Mr. Charles Barkley, Michael saw that you made MONEY off of him through corporate media, by making a name for yourself, seeking PUBLIC attention. Michael Jordan felt that if you were a REAL friend, who cared about HIM, you should have expressed those thoughts with HIM, PRIVATELY. I know this is hard for you to understand this, because the world knows, that YOUR business MODEL in corporate media, is ATTENTION seeking. Say something to cause controversy. It's NOT to late to be honest with yourself and FIX your relationship.

  15. I personally think Barkley was better than Malone. When it comes to power forwards, people usually talk about Duncan and Malone the most, but I think Barkley should be in that conversation too.

    He definitely played well above his stature. On a side note, I’ve also heard a lot of analysts say they would take the 93 Bulls over the 96 Bulls. I’m still a 96 Bulls guy, but that’s definitely interesting!

  16. Think if we check the tape the commentary at those 93 finals referenced chuck and Danny ainge having dinner at MJs house.
    MJ soften him up

  17. Chuck is the only one honest enough to say exactly why Jordans team under his ownership always sucked. He might be the only true friend Jordan has. Everyone needs that dead honest friend once in a while. You might get mad at them, but they are seeing things from the outside perspective you might not see. I hope Chuck and Jordan talk it out eventually.

  18. Jordan is not the greatest, can’t take criticism from a friend. Talk trash to Charles for real talk. Fuck Jordan, Lebron is the Greatest!

  19. MJ being the best ever has nothing to do with him as a person. I admired his skills as a young fan but am definitely aware now that i missed out absolutely nothing if i never meet him as a person…and frankly i dont ever want to meet him in person

  20. i hope sir charles and his airness talked again cause both of them are aging. Probably they missed both ..

  21. I love Chuck but saying NBA finals or Olympics is a must watch before you die is just ignorant. Those are nothing compared to a world cup or derby.

  22. This is going to be one of those situations, in which one of them is going to be filled with nothing but sorrow and regret at the funeral. Feeling like so much time was wasted needlessly.

  23. Chuck's NOT a supreme court justice. He is allowed to have some personal opinions and issues that he is biased about. Michael's family was running that team. How did he expect him to respond? Was he expecting an invite to next cookout? NO.
    Whether he intended it or not, he said his family was LEACHING off him on national TV. After you say something like that to a guy, it's on for Life.

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