Golf Players

Why You Shouldn’t Listen to Sam Sulek

Sam Sulek has taken the fitness world by storm with his style of videos. Bringing back meathead mentality while providing quality entertainment. One issue.. should you be following his diet and/or training advice?
In this video, I give my two cents.

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#samsulek #reaction #bodybuilding #sethferoce #bodybuilding #diet



  2. Anyone hating on Sam is clearly just hating. Sam does not teach you lifting he simply shows you his life and takes you on a journey with him. He stays in his own lane, does his own thing, and quite simply motivates you by just being himself.

  3. I like Seth, but in internet all people talks bad about Sulek, i like the kid,the shape talks ,he is on 21..i thinq people talk bad but..wants a shoe like him.Sam Sulek 💪💪

  4. This is what I do and works for me, too. I’m 40 and have a lot more energy at the gym, than trying to be finicky. Everyone is different.

  5. Man i just turned 54 and take alot away from the way sam trains and for me it is working. My sets are different but the way he cheats the last few reps out of a set has done wonders for me. Also counting macros has worked wonders for me. All I can say is this I wish i looked half as good at 21 as he does. I believe sam is the future . He reminds me of Ronnie Colman with his mentality!!!

  6. Someone that shoots guns competition sometimes often will just empty a clip in the air just for the fun of shooting… just like sometimes in bidy building we like to do random shit… this keeps the sport alive and less birring at times… nothing wrong w that

  7. Remember when Seth was just saying he is only on TRT when you know he was half way blasting. You are in the same category as Mike O'hearn you agitated poop.

  8. @SETHFEROCE, I applaud your ability to reflect and respond objectively without being judgemental. I applaud your positive take and hardcore stance.

    One thing I would point out is that social media has made us a reactive society. It's so weird to see this change. And ego lifting to me means doing more than you can manage…letting your ego do the lifting.

  9. Sam Sulek to me is the most positive energy in body building right now and he is just getting started. Obviously geared to the max, but that's his life..

  10. All the old heads hating on gim been juicing there whole life amd have a fraction of the subs he has…so they hate..tha5s what betamales do

  11. Good LORD, I feel like puking just watching him eat 1 meal! And those nasty, greasy-ass crispy cream donuts? 🤢🤮🤮🤮 Ive come to embrace my general hard gainer pencil neck shit! 😂

  12. Sam's content is a breath of fresh air and transcends age. I'm 47 and really enjoy, and can learn, from his videos. While they're polar opposites in many ways, my two favorite fitness YouTubers are Sam Sulek and Natural Hypertrophy. Natural or enhanced it's refreshing to see good people making valuable and entertaining content that aren't following the same dumb down clickbait centric formula ie: the Andrew Eubanks' of the world.

  13. That’s what makes him different from other body builders who just instruct a plan! Sam is real world body building! Hey just because you made stupid decisions at 21 don’t mean most do! At 21 I was building my first business, not going to clubs, not chasing pussy , not chasing drugs..

  14. i dont watch sam sulek but from the few vids ive watched i get why people like him.
    1. he's freaky as piss.
    2. he really is like the bob ross of the fitness era
    3. brings back the oldschool youtube when people were just sharing their experiences. 2012-2016era.

  15. Ego lifting is lifting too heavy weights with crap form because in reality you are not strong enough to lift that weight properly

  16. I love that Sam is not out there claiming to be natural or saying take steroids or Trent to get like me. He leaves all that out of his videos. He doesn't even claim that exercising like him will work for everyone. He just says what he is doing and why. He doesn't try to get you to exercise like him. He doesn't even compete or anything. I think that's what we like. That he is not trying to brainwash you into working out like him, eating like him, taking or not taking drugs and he doesn't try to sell you something every 5 min

  17. Sam is extremely mature humble and wholesome. Sam can eat and do what he wants. He enjoys food life and lifting : too much hate on Sam .so much jealousy

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