Golf Players

Snooker World Champion VS Tough Table Challenge | Luca Brecel

The current World Champion Luca Brecel takes on the Tough Table Challenge from his club in Belgium. How do you think he’s going to get on?

We also ask Luca 10 Quick Questions where we find out if he’s nervous playing Ronnie, how many World titles he thinks he can win and why Mark Williams is like Kevin De Bruyne! We hope you enjoy this video as much as we enjoyed travelling to film it. Let us know in the comments who you want to see next up on the Tough Table Challenge.

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  1. Hendry i can make you achieve another world championship, i only need one chance, i have a lot of new improvement of the game… you'd fly

  2. We all get obsessed about tip, size, brand soft medium etc etc the world champion doesn’t give a 💩 and knows what’s on the end of his cue, that’s hilarious and shows we shouldn’t too

  3. I miss so many easy shots after playing for years. When I see the world champion miss some easy ones here, I feel a bit better about myself 😂😂

  4. In roni's turn u was disturbing him with your chats so he cant make best score and in luca's turn u gave him.shit table this is not fair hendry just grow up

  5. 9 months ago this Muppet got a t shirt which told me he was going to give me stuff

    So far he hasn't given me anything but bullshit

  6. Romans 3:23 states: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;". We are all sinners, that have committed at least one sin in our lives, which earns us an eternal punishment in Hell. Revelation states 21:8 "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.". God sent his Son, Jesus, to Earth as a perfect sinless sacrifice. To take on all the sins of the world; both past, present, and future sins. Shedding his blood on the cross as a blood atonement for all sins. After dying on the cross, he rose from the dead on the 3rd day and rose to Heaven. To show life after death. To show everlasting life through Jesus's sacrifice. John 14:6 states: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.". Romans 10:13 states "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.".

    Eternal life in heaven is just one prayer away. All you have to do is believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died on the cross for your sins. As an atonement for your sins. And rose from the grave on the 3rd day. Ask Jesus to save you of your sins and give you eternal life in Heaven. Salvation is a free and everlasting gift from God. Please don't let pride drag you into eternal punishment in Hell, but ask Jesus to give you eternal life in Heaven. If you're getting a strong feeling of resistance while reading this, it's because Satan doesn't want you to get saved. He wants you to resist, and think it's not real. He wants you in Hell for all eternity with him. Hell is not a fun place, like worldly people like to imagine. It's everlasting torture with no relief. I'm only taking the time to text this, because I want to get the message out. There are so many distractions in life keeping people from witnessing to other people. Keeping people from thinking about salvation. Keeping you from thinking about life after death. Please, ask Jesus into your hearts to save you of your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Ask him for a place in Heaven, and he will save you from eternal damnation in Hell.

  7. I think the key to beat Hendry's record is to try to clear up the topside of the table first, the most difficult ones are the 4 reds on long side of the tb, so i think starting with the only 2 red in the open is a mistake. Those two balls should be use as a back up when u try to cannon out the 2 reds closest to the blue. That way u always have a shot on the 2 open reds with different angles to manoeuvre the cueball. The 3 reds shouldn't be a problem for these pro's since it's a big target to cannon into.

  8. Makes you wonder how the world champion can be so terrible in his home club etc etc, i know he doesnt care but even still 😂

  9. Not a fan at all of Luca. Kind of feels hes entitled to achieve something in the game when he cant be arsed to practice, due his life being "so good". Arrogant as fuck.

    And his cue ball control is shite.

  10. I feel like giving 3 goes suits the challenge more. There's a phrase in Chinese literally meaning no more than 3 times, which is the same as the 3 miss rule. Plus, the length of the part would be a few more minutes longer, which could be more satisfying as the channel only uploads one time during the weekend, which is really a long wait for us fans. So hoping it could be a bit longer since it's really tough even for professionals, but still excellent and pleasure to watch the interaction between the legend Stephen and other players.

  11. Fun fact: world champ doesn’t know what tip was installed on his cue. Also fun fact: I spent a lot of time testing and trying to decide which tip works for me😂

  12. Watching Brecel miss easy shots really made me feel a lot better about my own game lol. Happens to the best of us.

  13. Stephen, I love your channel, groundbreaking and so great for the promotion of snooker! I’m fae Dunblane! Let me offer my some respectful humble advice – I think the tough table challenge will have more value if you don’t speak to them for the few minutes they try. You have plenty of opportunity to interview them outside of those few mins. It will give us the viewers the opportunity to possibly see them fall into the ‘zone’ and maybe even beat your score! I know you likely can’t bear the thought of any of them beating your score (hence the competitive legend that you are), but I think the chance of seeing some real impressive (undistracted) snooker, outweighs that surely!

  14. I'm one of those 🌈♥🏳💞 from India Even we love Ronnie O'Sullivan 🐐🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳

    All our Indian love for Ronnie 🌈♥🏳💞🏆 Please to meet you 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

  15. Cant understand why people have tattoos ,In India,if you have a tattoo, its seen as you challenging the closest person to you.. Then guy with tattoos gets assaulted by street urchins.

  16. Love watching the tough table challenge, but what I would really like to see is the return of Make or Break from that certain snooker game show, In fact cant we just please petition to get the show back and have you host it would make my day to see it return.

  17. This is one of the best channels I know of. It makes me realize that my love for snooker isn't as much about the actual sport as it is about the personalities and the history – the drama of it all. Listening to Stephen having conversations with these legends of the game while playing a casual round builds such a fantastic web of context around this sport and its history. It makes me appreciate the sport even more.


  18. Dam luca u need to start shaking hands like a man. That handshake wasnt very manly. Your the world champion so i suppose you can shake hands anyway you want. Love watching him play though, fantastic player

  19. In the most respectful way possible because ino how good the pros are, i love to see how they struggle too😂 albeit an impossible table😂

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