Golf Players


Jim McLean collected golf swings under 3 major headings:
(1) Those you drop club shaft behind in shallowing. This results in distorted club head position to which you have to react to make square again. İn this group of swings natural forces do not work favorably for you. You have to resort to manual coordination which Peter Cowen sways by definition INCONSISTENT.
(2) Those swings in which you use the same shaft plane in backswing and downswing as Ben Hogan does.
(3) Those are the subject of this video. In these swings you use different shaft planes in backswing and downswing. The plane on which you come down to impact is in front of the one used in backswing.
This group of swings may also be called SLEDGE HAMMER SWINGS due to the similarity of downswing PATH WAYS. For me it is the most reliable PATH for DOWNSWING.
This downswing path is also similiar to the one used in topspin forehand in tennis.


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