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Vince McMahon on being punched by Bret Hart

Vince McMahon talks 1997 Montréal screw job altercation with Bret Hart


  1. WWE tried so hard to get the 'stumbling' shot after the punch out of Paul Jay's documentary.

  2. Vince didn’t allow a thing. Bret was going to sock his goofy ass no matter what. He earned it.

  3. cough bullsh!t cough

    Vince is trying to make himself look respectful. Bret was gonna lay him out no matter what. He for sure deserved it

  4. Here's what's BS. The idea that Vince would allow Bret to take a swing at him in the first place. Does every worker — every large muscular trained athlete — who's pissed at the boss get one free swing at him?

    No. No. As Bobby the Brain Heenan would say, "That don't happen". The Brett Hart cult is here in full force saying that Vince "earned" this — well, even if that was true, that doesn't mean that he was motivated to ALLOW it to happen. "Bad people" don't generally don't WANT or EXPECT to suffer consequences for their "bad" acts.

    How could a man be so "evil" as to "screw" Bret Hart, who is a well-known Saint of Human Civilization and yet decent enough or naive enough to invite or allow a punch?

    No. No. This only makes sense as an angle. The Montreal Screwjob was an angle. I do think that "the punch" probably wasn't pre-planned — it was compelled by the Undertaker, who was not in on the work. "The punch" was an improvisation.

  5. Vince took one the hard way to make people believe more there was hardly a mark on vince sept for a black eye which was barely visible either bret hits like a wimp or the punch was a work thrown at 20percent and vince took a dive like Shawn said he did no man is going to let a 236lb male who can bench press 415lb who’s in top physical shape hit them cos of the physical damage it could cause iam calling bs

  6. Bret Hart should've known 😂 you can't remain champion and plan on leaving the next day

  7. I remember watchin an interview bret hart did about the not of survival series 1997 after the event when vince came to brets locker room he told vince if u still here after i get dressed im knocking you out and bret finished getting dressed afrer he tied his shoes he walked up to vince and said i guess we doing this and he knocked him out ill give vince credit he didnt have to go to brets locker room at all he could have just left

  8. You gotta understand first the WHY would he “Allow” Brett to sock him. Your thinking that Vince is “thinking” that he himself cares about moral consequences or as i would say being in his feelings one way or the other. Its a fact that he told Brett “ Think with your head not your heart” leaving him at a dead end before signing the contract with WCW. Lets you know how Vince thinks its all business mann. He took the punch so his locker room wont crumble cause everybody knows it feed mouths and saves lives cause it makes money. The reason why Undertaker would back him to fullest extent but never leave, thats something only who did? Bretts Family at the time. So that lets u know Why vince “Allowed” to sucker punched as a BOSS. Cause as a BOSS he needed to take that hit so the company woulnd’t. Think about it really the punch was worth it cause Undertaker was the heart of the locker room he was there and saw Vince get punched so thats his closure moment to bring back to the locker room. 👌🏾

  9. Vince could’ve easily locked himself in his office with Undertaker & Triple H. Then had police stand guard at the door. But he didn’t. He let Bret inside his office. Respect to Vince ✊

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