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Reliving The War Episode 167.5 – WCW Thunder after The Fingerpoke of Doom

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Reliving The War takes an in-depth look at the WWF vs WCW “Monday Night War” era of pro wrestling. In this special episode, WCW Thunder gets covered. This episode of Thunder took place right after the “Fingerpoke of Doom” incident and it serves as an introduction to the nWo Elite faction.

0:00 – Intro
01:30 – Recap of Monday Nitro
03:51 – Ernest Miller vs Saturn
05:26 – Tensions within the nWo Factions
06:44 – Psychosis vs Kidman
07:37 – nWo red and black promo
10:43 – Raven is given a talking to.
11:23 – Bam Bam Bigelow vs Jerry Flynn
11:42 – Barry Windham & Curt Hennig promo
12:32 – Juventud Guerrera tries to escape the arena
12:54 – Disco Inferno vs Chavo Guerrero
14:27 – Super Calo & Lizmark Jr vs Fit Finley & Dave Taylor
15:57 – La Parka vs Booker T
17:30 – Raven receives a visit from the Sandman
18:22 – Chris Jericho vs Konnan
20:26 – Chris Benoit vs Barry Windham
22:18 – Final thoughts

#WCW #nWo


  1. Can you do a video about a war between WCW Thunder and WWF Smackdown! each week? I know you did one with the Smackdown pilot video that you did a couple years ago.

  2. I’m not gonna lie, I’m getting a kick out of seeing how disastrous WCW is getting at this point of the timeline. NWO is just doing whatever they want with very little retaliation, while the WWF has a two hour show that just files by so fast. Side note: Curt Henning looks like he’s wearing a similar brown suit to Rick Rude’s. You can tell they were definitely best friends.

  3. When it comes time for Smackdown dont you kinda need to cover for the War because it 100% continues the storyline from Raw and stuff that actually means something as far as the story goes unlike WCW

  4. Living in Richmond we dont get any more wwe shows anymore bc the city has let the arena fall into disrepair and cant figure out what to do with it. Richmond city sucks

  5. This is the most viewed WCW THUNDER in historty. It drew record numbers. Numbers ANY current wrestling show would be greatful to draw but this channel, a propaganda channel created by WWE would have you believe otherwise becuase its created in such a likeable such a fun entertainig way and like its against the establishment when in reality this whole channel has been anti WCW and pro WWE/F since the jump than anyone with a brain would be able to see that though it will of course proclaim to be neutral but we know better.

  6. I don't understand how you're getting away with this channel. I would get copyright striked to hell. I get strikes for anything I do. Not trying to hate I love the channel i'm just curious I don't get it

  7. I love how you say fast count. I did a triple take and still think I heard something else hahahah😅

  8. Everybody had to have a "world order" faction or had to join a group at some point around this time. LWO, BWO AND NWO. These "world order" factions were ridiculous around this time made no sense 😂😂😂😂

  9. I don’t know if this was already asked or if he already said something about it , but will he do smackdown vs thunder for reliving the war

  10. Its a good thing the WCW booking committee were aware enough to know that Konnan had become too popular as a Wolfpac member to just have him be just another guy in this new super NWO group as a heel. It just wouldnt have worked.

  11. Look at this..interesting. nwo b/w unhappy with Hogan and the wolfpac. Henning. Giant. Later on even Stevie Ray.
    Grounds laid for an even bigger nwo implosion. But…..we know what happened. Nothing.

  12. I got fed up of the NWO by this point rehashing the same old boring storylines and behaviours. I couldn't stand Hogan even when he was in WWE. I always felt the NWO became too dragged out for too long and boy their constant interfering got to annoying levels of predictability like Hogan's invincibility power up he always did to win every match. Uggggh lol

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