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The Giant Gonzalez vs Undertaker Rivalry – How Bad Was It?

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Harvey Wippleman had some issues with The Undertaker in 1992. When Kamala left Wippleman high and dry, Harvey decided to bring in a new monster to do his dirty work. At the 1993 Royal Rumble Giant Gonzalez made his WWF debut, and ge came to the ring to eliminate Undertaker from the Royal Rumble match. Undertaker (and Paul Bearer) would seek revenge at WrestleMania 9 in Las Vegas, and many people consider the Taker vs Gonzalez match one of the worst in WrestleMania history.

The Giant Gonzalez vs Undertaker feud didn’t end at WrestleMania though; These two would continue to feud all the way up to their rematch at SummerSlam 93. This video covers the entrie feud from start to end.

00:00 – Intro
02:04 – Royal Rumble 1993
05:15 – Build towards WrestleMania IX
16:32 – Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalez at WrestleMania 9
22:01 – Build towards SummerSlam 93
27:49 – “Rest in Peace” Match Announced
30:25 – Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalez at SummerSlam 93
35:31 – Final Thoughts / Credits

#WWF #Wrestling #Undertaker


  1. Is the Taker-Gonzalez feud being told in real time?! I usually like these Bios, but this one feels like a chore to sit through. Then again, so did this feud. Maybe that's the point.

  2. The refferee for Wrestlemania 9 was Bill Alfonso and he called it down right the middle , daddy!

  3. Glad to see another video discussing a wrestler/feud. I know you do that a lot with RtW, but it’s nice to see some of that outside that series again.

  4. Taker was dominated by Giant Gonzalez at Wrestlemania and won in DQ, yet his “streak” is still celebrated

  5. Undertaker king kong bunny doesn't get enough credit for how terrible that match is

  6. Honestly I know the feud was pretty terrible but I liked it lol

    Side note… Gonzalez appeared on baywatch haha

  7. yknow, the GiantGonzales Character actually couldve worked, if only it werent for that damn costume…it just made him look like a kid at Halloween (even though he was literally head-n-shoulders taller than most of the roster)…its like wearing a Comb-Over, because youre in denial about going Bald…its like wearing platform shoes, to look a couple inches taller…

    …but then again, a "bodysuit-less Giant" has already been done, by Andre and BigShow…so maybe three wouldve been a bit crowdy…

  8. 13:54 who is grabbing Undertaker by the hair? Whoever it is, they seem to be as tall as Gonzales! Or else standing on a stepladder.

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