Golf Players

SHOCKING VIDEO Emerges As WOMAN DEFEATS Biological MAN in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Match! SCARY FIGHT!

SHOCKING VIDEO Emerges As WOMAN DEFEATS Biological MAN in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Match! SCARY FIGHT!


  1. I would not be surprised if the guy lost on purpose simply to "prove a point" which is not true. I suspect William Thomas did this towards the end of the year they were competing with women when he lost or tied. There were races I remember hearing about that clearly showed trans men looking back at the competition and adjusting their pace so it would not appear that they were dominating so easily. Men and women equally trained in a sport will have the men winning over 90% of the time.

  2. If all they're in the competition gonna do is complain (even after they have been accepted) when they lose then they might as well have their own division.

  3. Transphobic? There IS NO such thing! However, Those idiots from The Left are the REAL Heterophobic Bigots here!

  4. Serves him right! It's great that she was more skilled than he was. Also, she was smart to go for the choke. If it's on, it's hard to power your way out of it. Tap or nap!

  5. You make a great point. If a broadcast of a sporting event is secured that will be an investment of money and should the vast majority of the competitors refuse to participate then the investor will quickly get the point that supporting something that ruins their investment is not a good idea. Girls and women should show up and refuse to participate if these men pretending to be women try to compete, it’ll eventually get the point across.

  6. This looked pretty fishy, i think this is a ploy to advance the trans bullshit. Almost like that Australian male ,pretending to be a woman, making the olympic team, then failing to lift the weight(?). Putting forth the narrative, "see , it is all fair, woman are the same as men blah, blah ,blah.". This guy looked like he quit.

  7. Every BJJ dude should put on a wig, and compete against that Trans. If you think what the female did to him and won, the BJJ men would dominate the Trans in seconds. Play them at their own games.

  8. Hold up. I just want to clarify something:
    If the trans woman beats the cis woman you have a problem with the trans woman.
    If the cis woman beats the trans woman you have a problem with the trans woman.
    How is that reasonable?

    If the BJJ competition allows the trans woman to compete with cis women, and doesn’t have weight classes, and the trans women is following those rules, how is that the fault of the trans woman?

  9. The young lady is much quicker and way, more, skilled than the larger He/She. What was she supposed to do? Lose the fight because the Trans person was the opponent? F these woke Commies! They're totally ridiculous!

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