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Today’s video is all about Tyson Fury AKA “The Gypsy King” and his claim as the Lineal heavyweight champion of the world, and greatest boxer of our generation.

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Watch the Francis Ngannou video here:

#fury #tysonfury #ngannou


  1. Fury has a one bad fight after all these years and now he's not good🤣🤣 these haters😂😂😂 lennox got KOd by bums rahman and McCall, Mike got destroyed by a bum buster douglas so by everyone logic they are also overrated🤣🤣 fury is the goat.

  2. Just learned this world is as fickle as the music industry.. one day your are hero/star the next day you are fake/questioned..

  3. Oh, I would fully agree with everything you say open seen seen for awhile now
    However, one thing I disagree with is that Tyson Fury scrape through with Francis it is was a win by Francis. There’s nothing more to . ! ! !

    And that is coming from a English man and fury, fan .

  4. Considering Francis has been scientifically proven to be the worlds heaviest puncher to date, it is impressive that Fury even stayed conscious when he got punched cleanly.

  5. Funny how the BS hype changes so fast.
    What a fickle bunch.
    True Ngaunno knocked down Fury with a punch behind the head. He won two more rounds.
    He had no other tactic except counter punches.
    When Fury figured that out He kept busy.
    Ngaunno lost for inactivity.
    He did not fight the entire ten rounds. At one point He just stared at Fury and waited for minutes.
    Now everyone wants to change what happened by public opinion rather than what really happened.
    It was a shat fight.

  6. This generation unfortunately doesn’t know what good boxing is or what reality is, how anyone can watch this bum in action God only knows, he’s just a thick idiot who calls people names similar to how an uneducated six year old child would, he has no charisma and will probably end up on big brother or a love island clone watched by the same people who think they understand boxing.

  7. Tyson definitely had a bad night. Perhaps he will use that to motivate his training. I wouldn't count him out just yet Francis is an unbridled crushing machine and Tyson got caught. No one else has that extreme power but skills have almost always out shined power. I believe Tyson has the ability but probably didn't take Francis seriously enough. Time will tell

  8. When they meet again all you doubters will be eating your words & thankful Ngannou took it so close i have a feeling this wont be the story if theres a second …now on to usyk in feb ..then hopefully we'll see the rematch …for me Tyson Fury has made the sport exciting to watch again .

  9. Tyson Fury is a cheat blatantly using his elbow being knocked down aswell Francis Ngannou was the clear winner the whole world watched Francis Ngannou beat Tyson Fury up and Francis Ngannou was the clear winner Fury now as lost all admirers everyone now knows he’s a fraud…

  10. He is proven you clown , who els has had all the belts apart from Lennox, that’s right no 1 , now beat you 🔔 END

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