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Even Mike Tyson was AFRAID of HIM!!!

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Good day, dear friends, Vlad is with you again and you are back on the channel “Boxing Hype”. Enjoy watching 😉


  1. That was crazy! That young man did not know about the phrase "Never Underestimate your opponent". Overconfident Moorer was outsmarted by wise old experienced Big George! I remember George saying that he learned a good boxing lesson in the fight with Tommy Morrison. I believe Big George used that experience to devise the plan against Micheal Moorer!

  2. You got to respect big George ! 45 year old world champion with a punch hard enough to make Evander respect his power .

  3. This video helps put into perspective how great Muhammad Ali must have been to beat George Foreman in the prime of his life.

  4. Styles make fights and a prime Tyson what is power in speed would’ve dumped loads of chaos onto George Foreman‘s, body and jaw. Evander was good at putting a shit load of combos together constantly, but he was never able to knock Tyson out, and Tyson was able to avoid punches like Ollie with his peekaboo style. He was the master edit.

  5. Morrison would of beaten them all those country boys are tough lol and also Howard Willard a part native American Indian could smash bessa blocks with his bare fists and was supposed to fight Ali but the Mafia banned him lol. He was another country boy who lived near Colonial Sanders who gave all the neighbourhood kids rides on his car. He said Colonial Sanders was not racist like people claim. I became friends with Howard he would be a guest preacher at a false church i used to go to here in Cairns Australia 😊❤

  6. Nope. Wish I layed down on dat. Nope $$$$$$ not real that last fight vid. I mean watch him lift his head off the matt. Nope not ligit. I love his grill though. 7 mins. from freezer to mouth wit a pork chop

  7. It's crazy how long his career went. And that ko looked like he barely swung. His power must have been tremendous.

  8. Moorer underestimated the older George Foreman… Foreman knew he couldn't keep up with the faster, younger man but he knew that STRATEGY and EXPERIENCE counted more. Foreman KNOWS a lot about strategies… that's why he was able to win against Moorer… strategies AND his knowledge and experience. To date Moorer is still crying that George "got lucky." What a sap.

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