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Adam Johnson’s family SPEAKS OUT and DEMANDS JUSTICE after he was killed on the ice by Matt Petgrave

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  1. Come on Black and White when was the last time you saw a hockey player life his leg up that high? This was an intentional non-hockey move.

  2. That collision into the boards is 100% different. No kicking motion, none what so ever. Also that player never had a penalty ratio of 11 to 1.

  3. if a white hockey player did this to a black player he be in jail already !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Where is the safety? Safety is essential everywhere , and raising your leg up in an air with razor sharp blades is not safe at all , it poses danger to people around you , he was not playing safe !!

  5. It’s time to change the rules in hockey we need stop the violence and the brutality we know players in hockey are very violent and like to hurt each other and even the coaches push players to hurt other people’s now somebody died the rules must be changed. What do you think would happen if this was the NFL they would be a full investigation and the person would already been suspended.

  6. Players must step up if officials fail to do anything. Never step out on the ice with this killer again!!!

  7. It was a freak accident. A lot of hockey players leave the ice when they check. In this case he runs into the opposing team, and when he does he turns a bit making him leave the ice, which makes his skate look like a kick, but its actually not a kick. This was a freak accident. He shouldn't be charged. Prayers for all involved. Its a risk you take when playing a sport, where your skates are sharpened on a regular basis. RIP God Bless

  8. Intentional or not, he still killed someone. At the very least it's unintentional manslaughter. But he STILL must be charged, and punished in some manner

  9. He does not collide with the other player. Watch the other player's body motion. There is no disruption to the other player's forward motion. Get real.

  10. AUNTIE- I am 10000% With You and The Family! I’ve been Very Vocal & Posted Several Videos On This! # Justiceforadamjounson‼️💯
    He Intentionally was out to Hurt him & He didn’t give a Damn of the Damage he’d Do!
    I Want this in PRISON!
    You CAN NOT COMPARE THE TWO- THAT WAS HIS TEAMMATE GOING DOWN IN FRONT OF HIM & HE COULD NOT AVOID IT! Shame Shame on You for Comparing the two incidents! 😡😡😡

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