Mastering Weight Shift in Your Golf Swing: Techniques and Tips for Consistency

There is not only one way in everything. Also, the many requested topic about the weight shift / weight transfer to the frontfoot, is possible in many ways. Mostly it depends in my opinion, how much you shift your weight in the backswing onto the back foot in first place. The more you sway and leave the front foot, the more you have to do to get in position.
Watch this video and I´ll demonstrate, if and how you need to get your weight shift done in your golf swing!

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  1. I appreciate that you acknowledge more than one way to approach weight shift. As someone who has played many other sports, like baseball and Racquetball, I am used to moving pressure back and forth between the front and rear foot. This is more natural to me given my sports background and helps me consistently shoot in the 70's. Keep up the great content.

  2. Thank you, subtle but instructive. And does it never rain in München this time of the year….?

  3. Excellent explanation of the three different approaches to weight shift. Your specific choice of being centred has the distinct advantage of staying behind the ball all the time. With the other two, there seems a tendency to move the head a bit forward with the body leading to violent hooks and slices as the head finishes up to the left post impact. Great tip, staying centred.

  4. Don’t like listening to people whose second language is English. Did I hear her say something like: Stack and tilt is really easy to do but its not easy to do. Nowadays in the USA it seems every other person speaks some form of broken English. Distressing.

    Kudos to her however for having an excellent golf swing. Way better than mine. So I’ll just mute and watch from now on

  5. This is the best explanation of "weight shift" I have ever heard. Great idea showing several ways to accomplish this for various transfer models 👍

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