Golf Players

🧟BSFP Ep.61 | I See Dead People

It’s Halloween and Ewen has a ghost story to tell, as well as talking about the horror show for Heart’s at Ibrox.
And forget football for a minute, one of the BIGGEST and most LUDICROUS statement’s Ewen has ever made, features on this weeks show!
Steven and him, look back at all the league games, with President Joe Biden on Scottish Cup duty, they talk nicknames, try phone Jose Quitongo and answer who was the club icon from your era on Question Time.
Plus a Balon D’Or special on ‘Start, Sub, Sell’ and the closest ‘Shoot Out’ we have ever had!

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  1. Ewan’s Halloween story was probably true. If I was a young girl who’d been given a lift home from him and he turned up the next day, I’d come up with an elaborate plan to pretend I was dead too.

  2. It’s a myth that Maradona carried Argentina to the final of Italia ‘90. His mazy run and assist for Caniggia aside, he barely showed up in that tournament and it was the keeper Goicoechea who almost single handedly got that team to the Final, the luckiest side ever to reach a World Cup Final.

  3. What happened to all those seats at St Mirren Park since Saturday to reduce the capacity to only 6000? Hoping my seat is not one of those that’s been papped

  4. Dunno why Steven is dissing Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan is allot more famous, and more listened to than him.

  5. Being completely honest now. I really enjoy this podcast. I'd love to see a live version hosted at a pub or something. Funny banter and interesting. Producer John is a dick though. P.s Ed sheeran is a whopper.

  6. Regards to Coldplay and the Beatles. If you were asked in a quiz to name the members of the Beatles you’d get 4/4 and get the point . If you were asked name the Coldplay members, you wouldn’t even know how many were in the band. Ewan talks Pish

  7. Lazy arsed producer John using the same questions from one of last weeks Superscoreboard beat the pundit. Was wondering how Ewan managed to win

  8. Brisbane Australia listener and St Mirren fan. Love the show – keep up the great work!

  9. I think it's very short sighted by Euan to say that Hearts empty seats are paid for by Season tickets. First revenue created by season tickets is less than that chaeged to away fans per seat. Secondly and more importantly, the revenue generated by sales within the stadia, e.g. pies, drinks, etc with an average of £15 spent by fans. If ya multilly that by 3k or 4k, that's some loss of revenue for 1 game, never mind 2 a season, assuming of course Hearts finish in top 6 ;-))

  10. I think Ewan is right, Coldplay are fantastic and will be looked back on in future years as legends.
    I also think Ed Sheeran is better than Paul McCartney who is overrated. Just my opinion 😊

  11. Ewen rubbing his chest and saying "Oh yeah I like that" is the most disturbing thing in this podcast. Can you catch erectile disfunction from watching a YouTube Video?? Because I think I have!!!

    Deed willy aside, great show as always. 😅

  12. FFS can we invest in a mute button for Ewan the fact that producer John sounded like he was about to bust a nut and got involved in Ewan’s so called opinion about the music surely is a sign that something is needed

    PS how can he have an opinion of music when he can’t boil rice

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