The Missing Piece to an EFFORTLESS Golf Swing

Today I get a golf lesson with Collin Morikawa’s swing coach, Rick Sessinghaus, to go over one of the most important parts of the golf swing – the downswing and how to make good impact. I finally understand how to better get into the proper impact position when striking the golf ball. We also go through amazing golf tips and drills you can take to improve at the range.

(Golfers) Master Your Mental Game Masterclass:
(Juniors) 7-Day Free Flow Program For Juniors:
(Coaches) How To Bring Mental Coaching To Your Students:

00:00 Introduction
01:07 My confusion with the downswing
01:52 Feel vs Real (very important distinction)
03:11 Connection Drills to help with the downswing
05:24 What does over the ball / covering the ball mean?
08:43 Tendency for really good players
12:16 What does arms in front of you mean?
15:38 What positions should the hands be in for the downswing
19:04 Quick Discussion around releasing the club
20:46 Amazing analogy to understand the golf swing
22:07 Is it ok for the head to swivel ?
24:54 Drills for the downswing
26:32 Questions around casting
29:10 Questions about over the top
31:34 Talking about DRIVER

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  1. The season is ending where I'm from… 28 degrees out today so I am sad I can't practice golf except my indoor net 😭

  2. At this point I just want to see a bunch of course vlogs and see the progress there, there's much more to learn on course than with your swing, it'll never be perfect as long as your swing is gameable you should be fine.

  3. You have the same habits as me. Strong grip over the top. Left shots. Its weird as for me I totally have to think my transition to the downswing starts with my hands dropping. If you look at all the gears data it totally shows your hands drop first or as they say you reconnect your right elbow into your side.

  4. "the unsetting which you're not consciously doing" .. I think for ppl like you (me, and so many others) that's tough, and what I'm struggling with. I want the learn how to do that part well. But trusting that the learning process, and correctly applying the other swing pieces first, will fix THAT PART, is tricky to accept as the answer. But that's what it takes. Your approach to learning the swing is so relatable. Great video series!

  5. Loving this series of lessons & the fact you ask so many questions. Some great stuff coming out here & I appreciate the efforts you & the coach are going to.

  6. This is an amazing episode. I had the exact same struggle with understanding how the club gets to the ball in the downswing and how exactly the release and turn work together. Thanks for sharing this Jerome!

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