Golf Players

Watch The First Two Swings (High Level) vs. The Last Two Swings (Pushing)

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  1. The first clip has a lower frame rate. You can tell by the jerky strobe light effect of his feet. The other two clips are higher frame rate and appear smooth even if slow motion

  2. Its almost like your in form to play tug of war with the bat as the rope and centrifugal force, your opponent

  3. All you need to do for the perfect swing is to do your best at recreating Jr's swing. It's impossible to recreate that beautiful art but the best you can do is try. The Kid made swinging a bat look like it was just a part of his body he was born with. Unreal mechanics.

  4. I’m washed up so correct me if I’m wrong. But does it have to do with the timing of the hands and hips?

  5. The second guy really illustrates it, I still don’t mind the push swing with 2 strikes though, helps me focus on the outside pitch

  6. Things to worry about –

    BP- pitch machine, throwing same pitch with no varying speed.

    Game- pitcher, fastball, slider, curve, change up, inning, outs, winning, losing, night, day, crowd, RISP, stealing, dinner, lunch, toilet paper.

    Great comparison pal….In BP believe it or not every pro baseball player will have a beautiful swing. Pretty much perfect, i mean they’re pros for Christ sake. But what makes Trout a HOF and one of the greatest to do it is his approach to the plate, and pitch recognition, not his swing, everyone has those. Trout will foul off 20 balls until you give him the one he likes.

  7. I’m so glad you used jason heyward as an example. Dude has the worst swing in baseball hands down and still hasn’t changed anything, yet still gets 30 million dollar contracts.

  8. I tried not doing the push swing and it really messed me up and I’m getting under the ball and I get weak contact

  9. People need to realize that the man’s mechanic are right, the idea of snapping the barrel down is questionable from a literal standpoint, but it gets your elbow driving and the barrel whipping through the zone giving you more power

  10. High level? They’re all major league hitters. Pump the breaks with the rhetoric

  11. I see a huge difference in the back leg. Hardy and heyward have their back leg turned first, then they bring bat through the zone, meanwhile trout and Goldy turn their back and bring the bat through zone at the same time.

    If you wanna hit homeruns, you have generate that momentum and keep it going in solid motion, almost like a rubberband, or throwing a punch. JJ and Heyward look like their doing 2 different motions in their swing.

  12. I think this is a case of more than one way to skin a cat. All 3 are big league players. Something 99.9 percent of players will never achieve. Both styles are high level.

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