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Dan Patrick Weighs In On Pat McAfee Backlash | SI Media

Sports radio legend Dan Patrick joins SI Media With Jimmy Traina and gives his take on Pat McAfee being criticized for paying Aaron Rodgers to do interviews and rubbing some of ESPN’s audience the wrong way.

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  1. I like Dan Patrick's response to all of this. He's got the right look on Pat not being a journalist. He's absolutely right.

  2. Doesn't matter if you like him or not. He has something no one else on ESPN can compete with. He's real….. for the same reason everyone will watch joe rogan, everyone will watch pat macafee

  3. pat lied to his audience for years and said he would never sell out and join espn, then when the fans got upset with him he said they were "not real fans of his".

  4. Pat is mostly pissing off the so called “tolerance” side. ESPN is in need of talent. Opposite of Keith Olberman type.

  5. People are just mad because pat McAfee doesn't do the whole race division routine that ESPN has been stuck in for 7 years

  6. People love to complain. People are naturally jealous. People naturally have a hard time dealing with change. I watch Pat and the boys because I love their approach to sports talk. To each as own. If you don't like it, then change the channel and go on with your life. That simple.🍻

  7. I am a Pat fan, and Pittsburgh Homer, and asking Dan about this is spot on. In the early days of SC they caught lightning in a bottle with Dan, Rich, Keith, Stuart, and so on, so they are trying to do it again. Pat is for newer generations, I find him and the boys amusing, but do I see him the same way as someone like Dan?.. No, do I care about any of the noise about him?… also No.

  8. Pat addressed this whole thing already. He’s an awesome human who, like me and others, insists! on sharing the wealth in a fair way. Saying “he’s paying Rogers” is misleading, Aaron doesn’t even want the money but Pat’s such a real mf that he gives it to him anyway, ….big difference there, and kinda dumb when people comment before they even truly listen and get where McAfee’s coming from.

  9. I think it's weird that they said that they took a poll and it came back negative towards Pat because when you look at any comment section on videos related to him, WWE, tick tock, YouTube, and Instagram. It always seems overwhelmingly positive towards Pat

  10. so what is the issue exactly? is it aaron getting paid or is it pat not pushing back on things he speaks about? lol what has aaron said thats so controversial?

  11. This is trying to keep stoking the fire on pat. Without saying it himself. Weak. Good work by dan

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