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Grace Charis
🏊Красота!уже попадаешь в дырочки🎉для мощного твоего тела/ещë для баланса,релакса займись танцами:станешь пластичней,стройнее,и привлекательна блогерам😻(..жизнь прожить-не в поле,шар перекатить..)🙏
i like that bounce🙈
When you know how to play with man's ball
But don't know about golf
Wow… 🤤
You always trick men❤😂
She knows her market 😎😁
What a fluke grace xo r.i.o ok 😂❤🎉
The hand is quicker than the eye because I saw not trick shot whatsoever…
Trust me you'll have more success doing p*rn
Nice shot 💪
How many times she try that shot ?😂
🎉🎉🎉 now jump up and down
Babe, help me open a gas station I am sitting on. I think you have the money to do it – and it’s sitting LITERALLY in the number one spot nationwide to sell fuel. And I mean markup per gallon when I say that. Yeah, I have done the research and spoken to other station owners in the are.
Wow she hot and seksi playing golf awesome😊
I would practice "back shots" with her all day! 😂😂😂