Golf Players

Get Better At Golf | Simple Ball Striking Drill

Time to shorten up the swings and become a much more consistent golfer.

In this video, MyGolfDNA instructor Chris Tyler, shows you a really simple way to tighten your golf swing up once and for all. This drill will help you get rid of all that unnecessary movement and help you hit the ball further with a shorted swing. Try it out.

Where Serious Golfers Get Serious Instruction.


  1. Skip is still consulting with his caddie on club selection for his next shot might need to call the clock on him ….. love the video

  2. I hit a wedge off of a tight lie and it sounds like music…music that will make your ears bleed like Bon Jovi's "It's my life"

  3. I'm looking to pump my drives about 265 down the middle so let me know if I have permission to practice the ol' 30-60-90-110. Thanks!

  4. I see you Chris. You're back in the game. Did a lesson with you in person years ago.

  5. Hello Chris, Congratulations on your Your Tube site, which I enjoy and fine very helpful. Regarding your "Simple Ball Sticking Drill" above; could you please explain your full swing feel or what is driving the swing after reaching the 90 position. Are your pulling downward with both arms or tuning the chest etc. I am having problems finishing the swing or facing the target, once I shift my weight. You look exactly like the pro golfers going through the ball and I am having trouble achieving that. thank you and look forward to your new videos. Jeff Joseph

  6. Didn’t think much of this upon first viewing it, but I was on a search for a reason. Did the reps exactly as Chris outlined and immediately noticed a different feel and consistency in my shots through the bag.

    Had a great round today and felt “in control” of the golf ball for the first time pretty much all season. Thanks Chris!

  7. Know the process, work the process, trust the process of ball striking. Good, brief demonstration 🎉Thank you. John Williams @JWfit 🇬🇧

  8. Good drill. Makes the concept of shifting your weight before you finish your backswing a reality for us mortals.

  9. Thank you for the video’s Chris. Question, do your clear your hips first before you start the down swing?

  10. Thanks for airing this drill. Very helpful. I can see it from a frontal view . I’m however not sure how I should see this from a side view, I.e looking at your swing from your right side to the left. Example, when you’re at 90% , is the club at 45 degree angle? Also, is the swing always in front of your body? Not sure if I’m clear and explaining this properly. From a visual perspective, how you would do this from an side angle view on your swing would give , at least for me, a better visual of how you start and end the swing process.

  11. I have a narrow to neutral stance yet my head sways to the right about 3 to 4 inches. I notice that if I use my core/obliques more to rotate and a straight right arm on takeaway, I don't sway as much. Is this a correct technique?

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