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Why Sam Sulek DOMINATES Fitness YouTube

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  1. He’s not into the drama or BS that everybody else is into, he’s not trying to sale us some high price protein all the time, he’s not pushing his supplements all the time, he’s just a real cool guy who loves to train and he trains hard AF and looks GREAT…..

  2. Every bodybuilder influencer and popular roid builder were against sam meanwhile sam focus on his reps 😂

  3. He’s the only one that feeds no BS, just him being himself which no one really on youtube is anymore..

  4. People don’t realize that most people on YouTube like watching videos from Youtubers that are just point and shoot. They turn on their phone or their camera and they just start talking and then they cut to another scene and then cut to another scene. No jump cuts no musical transitions, no music in the background. People just want to watch real life shit.

  5. Humility is his greatest asset.
    He doesn’t spend any time endorsing products that we know don’t work.

    And he seems to piss off the other mega fitness influencers.

  6. He’s doing the Rich Piana method, except Sam dosent do street drugs , but Sams content is very informative an he’s advice on training eating is something everyone can do , also he’s a straight up dude , he does what he likes to do he works hard an he don’t change for other people, u can count on Sam even if i didn’t train i would check in with Sam!

  7. It’s because we first hand get to follow the journey of a young man with body dysmorphia! To see a 21 year old juiced the the absolute gills is kinda like watching a runaway train ! Nothing he does is healthy ! Yeah he is 100% more jacked than any other 21 year old but the amount of juice he’s using is far from healthy and obviously he’s mental health is struggling he lives for a pump and at this young age I doubt he will progress into a healthier lifestyle .

  8. I think the magic is that it doesn’t seem like he’s talking to a camera. It feels like he’s talking directly to you at a conversational pace. He is genuine, which comes across as refreshing in a social media environment that is geared for manipulation and the exact opposite. I just hope it stays that way as Sam starts seeing the money roll in.

  9. When you half ass the gear you get skinny eubank. When you go full gear you get sam

  10. Because he’s clearly doing a wagon load of steroids and it’s gonna catch up to him sooner than usual. He has trouble standing up after workouts. It’s like watching the show “addiction”

  11. Yer but got a solid bunch of lads and lasses..i like sam but probably alot of his followers are flakes

  12. I think it’s because he’s bringing back the “art” in body building… this isn’t “do this specific thing” this is “go hard as much as you can do”

  13. i came to talk trash about an unknown youtuber borrowing someone elses name and using other mens names and pics to get people to watch his videos where normally they would not. but the question why sulek dominates youtube, and specifically the men you show, well athlean-x is a wimp when you compare him to any actual athlete he might know some tricks here and there but if u dont look the part no one will trust you. douchette well enough said? im surprised douchette is as popular as he is. a long time heavy steroid user, eats stupid shit for breakfast and says its good cause its low-cal. if i wanted to know what a pussie eats id just watch bikini pro girls? and then he claims to use HRT only GTFO no one has time for a wimp who lies. and the last guy that one "phd" fuck. his locker room broscience that has been disproven to the point where he ended up having to go back to PED school from coach victor black, rips off his instructors teachings, does not address past bullshit claims and then gives no credit to his coach Victor Black. No fucking wonder Sulek is more popular than a bunch of wimps and charlatans, no contest

  14. Its because we havent seen anyone like him since Rich Piana passes (R.I.P). It gives us the the old 2012 YouTube fitness.
    No clothing, pre workout bs
    Just weights and car talk.

  15. He’s just a real dude with no gimmicks. He seems like a very easy going guy that is just cool as a cucumber. He’s just a likable dude who grinds it out. May God bless Sam.

  16. Honestly cause he comes off as very chill, humble and just seems to enjoy doing what is he doing. No ads in the middle of the video and generally just loves the gym.

    Another reason for why I like him, is that a few of my friends found him recently, some of had break ups or bad times recently and he finally got them in the gym training with me. Its not just him that I love, but the enthusiasm and passion he can bring up in people.

  17. Because he is very young yet quite mature for his age…and he does not seem like he is obsessed with fame like most other fitness/bodybuilding "influencers".
    He represents Mr. Everyone.
    Love his style.

  18. It’s just a different flavour of the fake natty thing. If he wasnt roided up nobody woulda cared.

    Stop glazing these toxic people

  19. Main fitness creators would paywall this level of detail that he puts into his daily routine. People understand value when they see it. Plus, having someone chronicle their daily routine (not just their workouts) transforms them into a pseudo-gym buddy that you can learn from.

  20. Chill, focus, educated, humble, well spoken, informative. The curly hair and physique resembles that of a Greek sculpture which is cool. Drinks his milk lol. He's does him and were just tagging along. He's not trying to be a beach boy for social media and attract anyone.

  21. I realy appreciate you the most my freind. People like you are going to win me this war for our new generation of succesion. I do not want kids to start wating chocalate and cappachino cus they saw me do it.honestly and this is absurd,im having trouble making a bowl movement at this present time.

  22. He's just chilling in his car, minding his business. Then gets into the gym, lifts some heavy weights and leave. No screaming, no clickbaits, no telling you how tou are ruining your training, no drama with other fitness YouTubers, no putting other people's names in his titles for views, no stupid advertisements every second, no show off. The fitness community is a joke, but he's above this disgusting mass

  23. I agree, for example that Jesse James West is opposite of him, the guy is rich, always round by women, expensive cars and big houses, that is totally far from our reality, Sam is a simple guy, is like any big gym bro from your neighborhood, just living a average life and sharing with us

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