Golf Players

Words From Miami Dolphins QB Tua Tagovailoa You Won’t Hear Reported!

Words From Miami Dolphins QB Tua Tagovailoa You Won’t Hear Reported!

#tuatagovailoa #miamidolphins #israelwar

Tua Tagovailoa stopped his press conference to inject some reality. He spoke from the heart about what’s going on in Israel.

He offered his prayers and support. And no one in the media even talked about it.

I didn’t even see any Miami Dolphins YouTubers talking about it.

It was completely ignored and it is one of Tua’s most important messages.

How do you love Tua the quarterback and not embrace Tua the man?

We are in a dark place right now and someone like Tua speaking about it should resonante.
How to contact Barry Cunningham

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Barry Cunningham
Fanfare Media
160 W. Camino Real
Unit 739
Boca Raton, FL 33432


  1. If you're a fan of Tua Tagovailoa the football player, then you should be a fan of Tua the man! He makes a very important statement here.

  2. Barry your reality checks are on point we thank you for this content amazing work and yes football is a sport its just a game!

  3. Barry you are a gentlemen and a scholar really a stand up man God Bless you sir ! Tua’s. A great kid and coming into his own

  4. Thank you Barry. God bless you. The Miami Dolphins Quarterback is using the platform he has to speak truth. I will support your new channel.

  5. Brother I don't know what to say but but amen we need people like you in sports and every other professional outlet opening the eyes of Americans I pray the Lord take the blinders off of some of us through this video thank God for you the 1000 of people just waiting to hear people like you stand up for truth believe me brother is going to make a I'll be praying for your show and the ones you love

  6. This is the most incredible thing about him that I love him as man is unbelievable, his faith is incredible, and it brings tears to my what's going on. I 100% agree with him, football takes a back seat, when it comes to faith imo. I've been a fan of the Dolphins for 49 years. Magnificent model citizen. ✝️🙏🏽 Excellent content once again Mr.Barry Cunningham.

  7. Tua is as great of a QB as he is a great Human being off the field!! I love Tuas values!! And Respect his Religious values!! Pray for Isreal and peace in the Middle east!! Tua is such a blessing to this Dolphins team!! I am super proud Tua is on our team!!!! God bless Tua and the Miami Dolphins!!!!

  8. Like most people Tua maintains religious faith. Every week from now until the collapse of religion there will be fewer and fewer people sitting in church pews, but a majority still would nominally say they believe. None of them have any rational bases for this belief but they are entitled to it. There are both descent and indecent people from every faith or those who lack a faith.

    The Israeli-Paleatine conflict is incredibly complex and there are no easy solutions. We're left with the bad decisions of generations past as our decendants will be left with our mistakes to deal with. As everyday Americans there is practically nothing we can do to make the situation over there better. That's hard for people's to process and deal with, people naturally want to to help…so our culture has developed these myths we call religion that give people the illusion they can do something.
    We don't have the answers, it's too hard for us, but God can fix it, right? So maybe if we beg and plead and worship him enough he will for the first time in history solve a major problem like this without massive bloodshed. I know, believers will just give him credit for things, just baselessly assert he good things he did or must have had a hand in…ok if that makes you feel better, you can't demonstrate any of it.

    It's like all the people who pray for their loved one to be healed and when they are they thank God and give him all the praise worship and glory he deems himself entitled to. Then all the people who's loved ones don't get better, we can wait and hear from them a few years later how they hated God for what he did, yadda yadda, but now they realize he has his reasons and his higher purposes and yadda yadda yadd yadda…..

    I think Tua is a descent a good man and I don't think that would suddenly change if he discovered his God was just a legend. When I gave up my faith almost 10 years ago, some of my views on things changed, some didn't. I still have my weaknesses, vices, imperfections, personal failings… I am a flawed individual.

    So I still like your content Barry, you are a great person, this is just something we see differently and you know what? That's ok, we don't agree about everything. You will never find 2 Christians who have the same exact theology in all areas of faith, in fact you will struggle to find 2 who have exactly the same theology on any area of faith, always some nuance or distinction. I don't think yours or Tua's heavenly father can do anything to help the situation in the middle east. Remember, even in the Bible the one thing he could never do was give his people land that was unoccupied, nope, couldn't do it, always somebody, some tribe to be killed. I think that's secretly what some want. Fortunately, I don't think that being exists so I don't think he's going to do anything, but people working in his name sure can.

  9. I appreciate that you also echo the concerns going on in this crazy world. Tua is an ambassador of his strong faith and wears it with heart. We need more ambassadors like him in all sports and make this world a better place for all of us!

  10. As a black man you’re a descendant of the original Jews of kemet and Egypt the Hebrew

  11. I’m not religious at all, but you can have these great values without having a defining “GOD.” There are TOO many Gods in this world, and they are all created by man to try and explain the mysteries of the world and universe, so the values are great, but I would say that many people that claim a religion lack those same values! Also if you look at the history of the world religion has caused more death and misery than any thing else! A Jew, a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist can all be great and wonderful person! Most are good people, but most are under achieving in both their faith and their lives! Being a responsible human is the most important thing, and whether you are religious or not should not matter! Many religions believe you’re with us or not, and if you are not, you are the enemy. That is a problem, and you will never have world peace as long as we can’t all figure out how to agree to disagree on things of this nature! I have many “religious” friends, and some will pray for me, and I will thank them because it shows they care and we all need to care about our fellow humans as well as the animals we share the earth with! I have grown up with many religious exposures and I find myself more in step with reformed Judaism than most others, but I see the hypocrisy in all Man made religions, and the selling point that if you don’t buy our religion than you won’t have the “Salvation” they are selling you!!!

  12. Thank you for finding that and you were spot on last year I'm so proud that he is our MAN, LEADER and Quarterback , your message is powerful this world is telling us get our shit together when we were young California wasn't burning every year the flooding wasn't a ( 100 year flood ) every year and our sky wasn't filled with Canadian wildfire smoke the big guy is telling us to get it together and pay attention once again I'm so proud of Tua being a man to say what is truely important. Keep Spreading The Good Word Barry Fins Up!

  13. With the 5th pick, the Miami Dolphins Select the Face of the Franchise for the next 15 Years…
    Tua Tagovailoa😊

  14. Barry, don't be surprised when in the next few weeks and more, there's gonna be a shift of focus from the NFL world and fans from Tua's credentials as a star player because of his faith….. they don't like it a bit

  15. That is coming here brother. the southern boarder is being over run with middle eastern men of military age. the sleeper cells are here and when they get activated a whole lot of liberals are going to cry when theyre the ones who get targeted.

  16. Well said Barry! It takes guts to speak the truth, no matter what! I would love to watch your new channel! Much respect for Tua!

  17. every life taken is one closer to our own extinction …. There is no life out there ,,,,,, we are it ,, that's the reality ,, Life should be protected at all cost ,, especially children ,, the human race is on a decline ,,,, to the greedy they just live in the moment ,, but who will remember their legacy when their is no one to remember ,, at the rate we are killing people by 2185 we will be extinct

  18. Ok Ok Ok… we get it… 🙏🏽🙏🏽 but yes you went overboard… 12 min. Saying the same thing… come on… like I said. We get it.. 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  19. Thank God for the hutzpah or courage Tua displayed for publicly remembering the victims and their families in Israel. Sadly, most preachers in American did not. Thank you for all you do and may God richly bless you!

  20. It's all good bro, if people get upset, then maybe the should check their mindset and beliefs, this is real always have been people just yet to hide from it… well you can't hide forever

  21. Though you make extremely good sense, I don't think you should use this platform to preach on human behavior. I'm not going to spend the remainder of my short life feeling sorry!

  22. The scary part is that you are absolutely correct. Our country has separated itself too far from God.

  23. So few men out there that are willing to say those things an have the spot light so that people will hear it. But I bet Taylor swift will get talked about more

  24. I am a fan of the only true God who became a Man that we may be one in Him. This means I have a brother in Christ who is the starting quarterback for a team that I have loved since the early 70's.
    John 3:30

  25. Barry, this is not the Israel of the Bible. Japheth still lives in the house of shem. That land should be returned to Palestine!

  26. Barry, most of these big time sports shows will not even hardly mention Tua. The only ones that give him any credit for anything is Dan Orvlosky and Emanuel Acho. Everyone else just tries to discredit anything he does and I’ve always wondered if it’s because of his beliefs and morals. I may be way off….idk

  27. Remember we cannot trust MSM, we can not even be sure who is fighting who or why. What we do know is that the powers that be are profiting from it. We must be on God's side before we can legitimately be on man's side. The Father, SON, and Holy Ghost. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.

  28. We Samoan have values, beliefs, traditions and a great culture around us to help shape who we are as people. We grow up in an orientated families where God first, and respect is the key in any Samoan house. Thank you Sir for talking about the truth Phins up from Aussie 💙

  29. Great video Barry! Props to Tua for spotlighting the realties of this current world. In Tua’s case, football seems to be what he does. It’s not who he is. So many “fans” in general get this twisted around. No matter what teams we root for, these are all human beings, just as we are.

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