Golf Players

Old School Boards Are All The Rage – Charlie Blair – Raw Clips

In an age dominated by high-tech gadgets and virtual reality, there’s a charming resurgence of old-school skateboards among today’s youth. These quintessential pieces of wheeled wood have transcended generations, capturing the imaginations of kids in a way that smartphones and video games never quite can.

Picture a group of kids, their faces lit with excitement, as they gather around a weathered half-pipe or a patch of smooth pavement. Clad in baggy jeans, colorful t-shirts, and well-worn sneakers, they clutch their trusty skateboards, each bearing the scuffs and scrapes of countless adventures.

These vintage decks, with their simple yet enduring designs, evoke a sense of nostalgia even in those who never experienced the skateboarding craze of the past. They’re a tangible link to a time when the world seemed a little simpler, and kids relied on their creativity and physical prowess for entertainment.

Today’s kids, armed with these relics from a bygone era, are redefining what it means to have fun outdoors. With a blend of gritty determination and carefree exuberance, they tackle curbs, ramps, and stair sets with a fearless spirit. In doing so, they’re not just mastering a skill; they’re also honing their balance, coordination, and spatial awareness.

Moreover, there’s a sense of camaraderie that arises when kids come together to skate. They form tight-knit communities, sharing tips and tricks, pushing each other to try new moves, and celebrating each other’s successes. In a world that often emphasizes competition, the skateboarding scene offers a refreshing alternative where support and encouragement reign supreme.

Old-school skateboards also serve as a canvas for personal expression. Many kids take pride in customizing their boards with stickers, paint, and even hand-drawn designs. Each deck becomes a unique work of art, a reflection of its owner’s personality and style.

As these kids glide and grind on their classic skateboards, they’re inadvertently connecting with a cultural legacy that stretches back decades. They’re participating in a timeless activity that has left an indelible mark on the fabric of youth culture. And in doing so, they’re forging their own memories, creating stories that they’ll someday recount with the same fondness that previous generations reserve for their own skateboarding adventures.

In the midst of a digital age, the revival of old-school skateboarding offers a tangible reminder that sometimes, the most enduring forms of play are the simplest. These kids are living proof that the thrill of the ride transcends generations, and that a wooden plank with wheels can still be the catalyst for boundless joy and friendship.

Charlie Blair
Vincent Luevanos
Scott Decenzo

I’ve collected so much footage over the years of past and present Powell Peralta squad and other skaters – how selfish would I be not to share it with you? These are raw edits, no fancy editing – you’ll see all the falls and how many tries it takes to get a trick.



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  1. Seeing that raw talent of Luevanos and Blair is awe inspiring.
    This video reminded me so much of late 80ies Powell Videos. Just the VHS artefacts and Dennis Dragon, Skatemaster Tate and Chuck Treece music was missing.

  2. Inspiring skaters to skating from the late 80s of Luevanos and Blair reaching the potential of making the highlight clip on street spots and making good progress on grinding, versatility, and style

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