Golf Players

LIV vs PGA Tour 2024-Fairways of Life w Matt Adams-Tues Oct 10

Matt Adams is live to talk about the latest news surrounding the 2024 LIV Schedule plus all the Tiger Woods swing videos being released and we do our best to try and explain the new 2024 PGA Tour Schedule.


  1. JIMMY BUFFET died of a rare skin cancer . i never saw anywhere of what type . he was a total beach bum on boats non stop . you have to think the sun had to have some play in his cancer.. the best thing to do is conver up . fishermen even have gloves and head covers to wear

  2. LIV has more top players in world than PGA tour. Even without bogus World Golf Ranking points

  3. Breaking news…LIV Golf loses its bid to earn OWGR points:

    "“We are not at war with them,” Peter Dawson, chairman of the OWGR board, said when contacted by The Associated Press. “This decision not to make them eligible is not political. It is entirely technical. LIV players are self-evidently good enough to be ranked. They’re just not playing in a format where they can be ranked equitably with the other 24 tours and thousands of players trying to compete on them.”

  4. I’d like to know how the bogus entity known as the OWGR will adjust their bogus ranking system to now rank players with the changing pga format. Lesser players won’t have a chance to advance because of strength of field and elite players are playing in smaller no cut fields. They just said that they cannot rank Liv players because they cannot adjust the system because of the Liv format. How can the golf landscape have OWGR be the entity basically controlling golf. Yes elevated events will be popular but non elevated events will be boring, unwatchable and irrelevant from a golf fans view.

  5. Matt, I had no idea you had skin cancer. I hope everything goes well with the surgery and your recovery is good.

  6. Wow sitting here listening with stitches in my back for my first melanoma… good thing my biopsies have all come back neg and I'm in the best group for recurrance at 99.6. I've now had 2 MOHS surgeries for basel cell and two squamus cell removals. All thanks to being a surfer back in the 70's when there was no effective suncreeen for watersports. Best wishes Matt for your procesure I'm certain you'll be fine. The key is being checked out routinely and to catch anything early.

  7. I'm a sports fan, and I didn't know names of any golf courses before starting watching golf.

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