Golf Players

Glen Kuiper A’s broadcaster says N***ER League Baseball Live on tv then apologize

A’s broadcaster Glen Kuiper says N Word then apologizes for his comments saying he said it wrong.


  1. At first I thought he definitely said it, but after listening again I really think he got tongue tied

  2. Serves him right for wanting to "be in touch" with black folks culture. Maybe if he'd stayed in the hotel he'd still have a job. It goes to show that you cant please certain types of peoplea

  3. Arthur Bryant’s BBQ sure is getting a lot of mileage out of that plug

  4. theres no way that this was said on purpose.
    that being said you can't let him keep his job after that.
    thats so sad.

  5. I usually try to give people the benefit of the doubt and be all "it sounds like a slip of the tongue" or w/e but I vividly remember hearing this and saying out loud "Ooooooohhhhh I can't help you here buddy. You're on your own."

  6. Arthur Bryan’s poorly seasoned foods coming back up on the lumber jack on the left 😂

  7. no bullshit its sounds like he just fumbled the pronunciation, it happens all the time when ur thinking about the next line ur about to say and it gets jumbled together.

  8. Reverend John Hildebrand, Candace, Camila, and the wife from the first apostolic church in west Frankfort Illinois was preaching everyone that goes to baseball games, and all the players are devil's, and they are requesting that gasoline be poured on them and burned on 🔥, their church is the only church going to heaven, my ears were innocent by stander Joseph Allen pyles Gaylord Michigan, Jesus christ is telling him this, no different than Hitler's teachings, except he burnt them up, instead of wanting to burn innocent people, you should put your teaching toward demons and devils, rapist and murders

  9. Yikes dude … With how clean he just said that…. You know that man was saying that before the camera was rolling as a joke or something… … and it was right on the tip of his tongue and slipped right out … as he was probably spewing out his words in a mindless fashion…

  10. That's the sign of someone that says it so much in casual private conversation that it comes out naturally no matter where they are.

  11. If he didn't apologize no one would have noticed.

    And why do they have that guy with the hillbilly beard next to him?

  12. it's probably what he and all his friends call it, but he forgot to adjust himself for public viewing

  13. I love it! That is just a word and anyone at anytime can use that if they see fit! It is called the 1st Amendment!

  14. Who cares? I'm beyond giving two shits about stuff like this anymore. Wah wah.

  15. Glen Kuiper & Randy Marsh. Two men who emphatically chose the wrong “N”. 😂

  16. so instead of saying negro league, he freudian slipped and said hard r, wild.

  17. Man thats unfortunate for him. I dont understand how he could have mixed that up though unless he says that all the time 😂.

  18. The way the bearded guy looks up in panic and shakes his head "noooo" reminds me how Mike Myers reacted when Kanye said George Bush doesn't care about black people

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