Golf Players

The Secret To STOP Chunking Your Irons || 4 SIMPLE Tips

In this video, Mike goes through 4 Simple Drills and Tips that will stop to dreaded chunk shots. The secret to stop chunking your irons will depend on several things: your backswing, the legs in the downswing and your mentality through the ball. Mike goes through every aspect in great detail and as always, if you have any questions, please dont hesitate to leave it in the comments below!

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  1. Awesome video!!! Wow. I do the one occasionally where i should stop my hands and arms on the backswing when my body stops turning but they just keep going. Really was able to feel the disconnect yesterday on the range when I did this.

    Question is how do the professionals get so high with their hands? Is it as simple as being more flexible in your body turn?

    I seem to do this more with longer clubs of course but also when I'm really focusing on starting the downswing with my lower half. The momentum of the club keeps going and then snaps back into the downswing part. No bueno.

  2. When I was learning to play, the classic teaching was to shift your weight. The result is swaying. They also said power comes from your body and the hands merely follow it. I could never figure that one out. The hands can obviously move faster.

  3. Easiest was to learn short irons..7-SW is place a broken tee in the ground 1-3 inches in front of ball. Set up to tee, knock tee out of the ground and you will hit the ball on the way down istead of way up. Even better find the bottom of your swing and adjust stance for each club.

  4. l do hit my irons heavy taken a big divot that you can build a house in. Yesterday l was hitting balls into the net and l just happened to kind of straighten out my trailing leg by accident and l was striking the ball solid. Now l know why l hit is fat and l thought l was not swaying but l did. This is the best tip on how to avoid digging house foundations that l used to do. Thank you!

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