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Pearse Doherty launches fierce tirade over Budget 2024

Pearse Doherty: Budget 2024 does not resolve housing crisis

“This should have been a Budget to resolve the housing crisis. But today, Minister MccGrath and Minister Donohoe have failed in that regard.” Sinn Fein finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty told the Dail.

“Businesses who can’t get workers, schools who can’t get teachers, guards, nurses, members of our defence forces leaving their profession because they can’t find somewhere to live.”

Mr Doherty said that the housing crisis “permeates every facet of Irish life.”


  1. If Sinn Fein want to go into government to implement their policies then they should flood the field with candidates for the next election.

  2. Sinn Fein and budgets. My God , the one for everyone in the audience Shinners. Like there comrades in the IRA there is nothing they won't do to achieve their aims. Oh and don't get me started on the scoundrels in FF, FG, GREEN an assorted socialists an their pals in the main stream media.

  3. The budget is made for the corrupted Elites. Consumed by Greed. But also Ireland spending allot to the defense forces ( Ukraine). So you all paying a high price for it. While these Coward's lying everything under the sun to stay in their seats. The Rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. For immigrants enough houses. For the Irish and homeless None. Believe me these politicians do not care anymore ( never did) about you. We can vote what we want but can you remember a time they serve us well?

  4. We need budget for singles how are on nearly 40s an don't get enough for paying a rent, save for the deposit, survive and get a mortgage. The ones that pay huge amount of taxes and allow the government to provide budget to anyone else… As well, FTB scheme should be applied for second hand house which would be way more affordable for the profile I mentioned previously.

  5. We think that it is possible that Doherty had his response to the Budget delivered by MIn. McGrath written out even before it was delivered!!!!

  6. Sinn Fein are utterly useless when they refuse to acknowledge immigration is the main contributor to the housing crisis and claims we can't limit people coming here.

  7. No help for mortgage holders. Interest rates will fall next year so 20% of the increase will be zero. Even if it does rise its only a fraction of the ammount needed to help people.. What they should of done is capped all mortgage rates at 3%.These 2 are so out of touch they act like the tories in England.

  8. Not one of you are if any use.
    You all wanna keep squeezimg the life out of the one thing that keeps the country strong and thats thr middle class.

  9. In my opinion people still do not realise the problem all these political parties are all the same for stop the same selection process is controlled by the very same individuals banksters

  10. This time il make sure my vote counts…
    We need to enter a new generation with leaders who will back the people and not the toris, most of what leo and the braided army has done is simliar to what the uk has done and its out in the open now

  11. Politicians need to start fearing the people again.
    Too long they've been the new aristocracy.

  12. Their finance director Des Mackin as a landlord with ten residential rental properties (including an against pp office and council house), an an array of cash only businesses, might have some ideas, but won't be too detained by what the law says or doesn't. More anti LL measures will mean people will stop offering houses or rooms for rent. Why put up with the hassle from these shouty hypocrites and the godfathers behind them (when they get a shot at govt in coalition with the ever corrupt FF) who just intend to load the working PAYE mugs with more tax? As to healthcare, reform the HSE. It's loaded with useless eater managers who are taxied to work, and many of the non managerial staff have an attitude, and aren't the hard workers of legend.

  13. How would SF help the housing crisis ? … import more migrant men and give them any/all available housing. Somehow that makes sense ! Nobody believes SF are for the people anymore, SF only represent Woke Groomer Globalist scum.

  14. Why is it that the sin fein page is turned off to comment. No freedom off speech god help us if this shower get into government their terriosts in wolfs clothing and what about fianna fall thinking about having them in coalition wow the devil sleeps with the wolfes

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