Golf Players

College Player Ejected For Excessive Bat Flip


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  1. He's a moron look at that ha! One big home run to the bench..good decision Umpire. Very unprofessional for that college kid. Bat flip can hit anybody of the personnel or other players out there. That is a very appropriate good call. Excellent judgment from the umpire. Period

  2. That wasn't a bat flip that bat was thrown. There are at least 13 other people on the field at the point he through the bat. He has no regard for the others on the field. It's one thing to flip a bat but to throw one. He disregard for the safety of the others on the field he should be suspended at least 10 games I mean like not even allowed to travel with them. What if he would have hit someone and caused a serious injury. There are a lot of things that could have happened with him throwing his bat. Just lucky no one got hurt.

  3. It’s a point of emphasis to the umpires this year . The coaches know it. We’ve been told to eject players.

  4. Eject all umpires! Their arrogance often ruins the greatest sport! We never see football refs swearing at or randomly ejecting players coaches or fans.

  5. To answer your question, ALL bat flips are preventable, the first 80+ years of the game saw 100% of all home runs go without one. Let's be men again, whaddayasay? We're not girls out of control of our emotions (yup, I said it), we're not little boys any more who need to show the other team up with juvenile displays. Drop the bat, jog the bases, celebrate with your teammates at home, and in the dugout.

    To respond to this particular bat THROW, as it pertains to modern precedent though, I would actually say no, no ejection. If the bat came within a country mile of an opposition player, absolutely. It almost seemed like he was just trying to save the bat boy a few steps, it didn't even really seem celebratory. It seems strange, but I guess in the end, the ump was looking out for the safety of his own teammates.

    One thing for sure – it was incredibly stupid.

  6. First of all, there should be a warning issued to the batter and to the coaching staff because safety concerns, but not an ejection.

  7. This was a child who threw his bat directly in front of his team’s dugout. Anyone who argues against him is an idiot!!!

  8. I'm a hockey fan(GO BOLTS🏒⚡) so no bat flip story. But this example is good one because "omg" that "bat throw" IS SO uncalled for👀🙄. Umpire✅👏👍

  9. I think it's ABSOLUTELY CRAP to eject him for it. Now if I winged it to the other teams bench then yeah. I can see a bit of a talk at the most from ump to the player like he'd bud keep it down next time there could be repercussions. Let the kids play holy cray. They only play college ball once. ENJOY IT, BE ROWDY, PLAY HARD!!!

  10. I think in his mind he was throwing the bat over to the dugout but I can see how it can be a safety Hazzard and ejection worthy.

  11. All collegiate and Highschool rules a bat MAY NOT be more than 3 and 1/2 length from home plate at the start of a run. Always been the rule but rarely enforced. Been to state and Nationals only seen enforced once? And he threw it towards opposing dugout, automatic ejection never got to 1st. Rules are not always enforced for the fever of the game.

  12. Too many "Thin-skinned Liberal Pussies" are absolutely destroying our entire country. From the assault on Women's sports from so called "Trannys " to Partition Trophy's, simple pride in being the best is wrong… horseshit!!!

  13. Absolutely… No reason for that… Not only unsafe but its just another unsportsmanlike bullshit move!

  14. Absolutely… No reason for that… Not only unsafe but its just another unsportsmanlike bullshit move!

  15. In Grammer school I was the on deck batter and was hit in the mouth breaking my front teeth, when the batter slung the bat after hitting the ball. So yes he should have been ejected, he should have know better as a college level player.

  16. Players these days are getting a little out of control with their excessive bat flips. It's becoming a safety hazard! Not to mention the possible HBP that might occur the next time he comes to the plate. It's toeing the lines of unsportsmanlike conduct. I think a good rule would be that the bat must stay within the dirt surrounding home plate.

  17. OMG! Whatever you do folks, don't express enjoyment in playing a frigging game. I'm sick of all the no celebration rules. Ruining sports nationwide! If he through the bat at an opposing player then yes, toss him. But shooting it off the playing field, in your bench's direction isn't a reason to toss a player

  18. Why is it that it's always the skinny runts flipping the bar? It just seems like the bigger guys act more like a man and just drop the bat.

  19. I think a little flip is great! On the other hand I don't think that throwing a bat is ever going to be OK. That dude actually had a wind up!

  20. I believe he had no intention to eject the player except for it being an excessive celebratory act. Little things upset game officials and they only feel since what they call in ANY game only matters.

  21. That is why you have an umpire. It is a judgment call in any baseball game, just like making calls of safe or out, strike or ball.

  22. That was stupid. The player should apologize for being a buddy fuqer

  23. I see no problem with it as long as it's thrown towards your own dugout.. That way if anyone gets damaged.. You're only hurting your team… Let the team-mates, coaches, managers, and owners handle their own.

  24. It's not about safety for me, it's about an action that is disrespectful and unsportsmanlike. As far as what is acceptable vs. what is not, it does not need to be black and white, or prescriptive (in other words, if you flip the bat 17.33 feet you will be ejected), because there are many nuances to each situation. Umpire's judgment call is fine. In this case, he judged rightly.

  25. A better approach is to let the pitcher take care if it with the next batter. Problem solved.

  26. What happens when a pitcher starts tossing his glove in the air on a 3rd strike, 3rd out? Its getting a little out of hand.

  27. Absolutely warranted and I hate nickel and diming a child’s game, but there could’ve been somebody walking by, could’ve went further than anticipated? There’s no need? In a highly sensitive world that we now live in, you’re just potentially triggering somebody ? For kind of Showing off like an asshole. To answer the question what is or isn’t enough when referring to how a player should demonstrate sportsmanship? We have over 100 years of baseball to reflect back on to learn how to conduct yourself? This is a rather ridiculous question in 2023 on how we should know how to play the game?

  28. Excessive and abnormal unsportsmanlike conduct (Dramont Green) unlike a professional baseball player or game activities that make a farce out of game is a cause for an ejection.

  29. Obviously could have hurt someone watching the ball instead the asshole throwing the bat at them. That is why he should be ejected.

  30. Here’s the deal… a backflip is just that a flip, the back goes 5 feet maybe 10 feet at the most. Now I would consider this, throwing the bat and a bit excessive. I do think he has warrant a warning and not ejection. I love celebrations, and I love showing the other team up because I think it’s part of the game, you just have to be careful when the bad is going that far.

  31. The NCAA has points of emphasis every year. This year one of the major points was the elimination of bat throws and excessive homerun celebrations. Tough to criticize the umpire here. What you'd like to see happen is after the ejection the coach comes out and says to the player, "look, I appreciate your enthusiasm and your competitiveness, but we just can't have that. It's just taking things too far."

  32. should have been banned from the sport for life along with a massive fine. he is out there not only making a mockery of the sport and all who came before him; he is creating a hazard for anyone within throwing range of himself. there is no excuse for this on any level of the sport. if he were 12 years old playing tee ball he'd be banned. he needs to be banned for this. there is no excuse. he is not "showing up" the other team for anything he did well. on the contrary he is only showing us all how incredibly shocking it was to him to see himself actually hit a ball well. a true professional would have acted like he's struck a ball well before in his career

  33. Im pro bat flipping and celebrating. That was a little excessive, I don't blame the ump for that one that was an aggressive throw, a little unnecessary tbh.

  34. If the flip could potentially hurt someone, I think that's the line 😅

  35. First we should hear the language on any rule regarding this. Plus it was a throw, not a flip. A calculated throw with a quick determination path of throw was safe (by the thrower but not by the ump, which matters more). If the umps call on this does not match up reasonably with the language, only then is the ejection wrong. Unfortunately for the batter, his excessive excitement which could be perceived as cocky played right into "umpire discretion" –and umps dont apprciate cocky looking excitement.

  36. I don’t even care about the rulings against bat flips like this being about safety. I think it’s absolutely classless to throw your bat like this.

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