Golf Babe


Gabby embarks on an incredible journey of mental endurance. As part of her commitment to 25 vlogs, this one takes her to the ultimate challenge. She begins her day at the renowned golf-specific workout facility, frequented by top players like Dustin Johnson, Justin Thomas, and Lexi Thompson. Gabby shares her experience training with the head expert at this facility, offering viewers a unique glimpse into the world of golf fitness.
But that’s not all! Gabby pushes herself to the limit as she tests her endurance in the cold plunge. It’s her first time taking on this icy challenge, and you won’t want to miss her brave attempt.
Join Gabby on this exciting journey of mental and physical resilience. Watch the video to see if she conquers her breaking point and how she fares in the cold plunge challenge. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more thrilling content from Gabbygolfgirl!


  1. Does the medicine ball seated keep you loose or? I'd think ot helps with the golf hip rotation. Great vlog again GGG

  2. Pretty crazy how someone so young has such a good attitude towards life and what she is trying to accomplish with her channel .

  3. I watch another youtuber who does the plunge regularly. She does it at home, and often times literally has to create a hole in the ice with a heavy hammer. If she doesn't do it for a while, she has to get used to it all over again. But when she does it regularly it seems like its no big deal…she doesnt even flinch. Nice workout! And youll probably get used to the plunge. Better you than me!! And I STILL say, since you're a GOLF girl, you should call your videos "glogs". Your own name for a Gabby Golf Girl video log…..a Glog.

  4. Fantastic vlog, again! WOW, super impressed with your workout routine! Having your name mentioned in Forbes magazine due to one of your videos is super amazing. All good stuff!

  5. You are strong on pullups. When legs come up on pullups. Means need work on core more. But you are crazy strong

  6. Hi again! Look now I have an idea,.. I mean when I saw your/ this challenge of yours,…so my wondering and question is; have you ever concider to travel to play golf in the UK or even in Sweden? I and most likely many many more with me could probably mention hundreds of different UK courses ,… But I hope, I hope that one day see you play maybe at JCB. Or if possible at Cruden bay,…. What do you say about this?😃⛳️👌👍

  7. Not being hyperbolic, but: I’m pretty sure I’ve never known or met a more self-actualized teenager. It’s really astounding, if I’m being honest. And I’m in my late 50s.

  8. How do you like your steak cooked? I love these ‘no golf’ vlogs, it’s cool to see what you do off the course. You’ll be doing 5 minute cold plunges in no time. Thanks so much! 🙏❤️

  9. You are truly an elite athlete. If you had chosen soccer, tennis, or any other sport, you would be equally successful as your golf. Super impressive Gabby!

  10. You are a terrific young person with optimism and respect….I applaud you for regularly THANKING people you interact with in your videos, that is the mark of good parenting. I hope you continue to grow in your sport

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