Golf Players

The WORST Way to Grip the Golf Club ❌

It’s so important that you have a great grip! Your grip is the only connection between you and the club, so if you don’t have a great grip, it will be difficult to play great and consistent golf. If you want to improve your game, this is the video for you!

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  1. Jack Nicklaus said you should grip the club at the address position. He also gripped it more in the palm than most teachers advise.

  2. Watching those guys on tour…and thinking of how many times they must have played/practiced over the years, they are so careful when they grip the club….meticulous really. That should give of us a big clue of just how important a good grip is.

  3. Do what works for you and keeps you consistent on the course. If you’re hitting a stronger draw/fade that day play to it. Consistency is key but doesn’t mean you need to change your habits if you’re comfortable over the ball.

  4. Amazing when I use what you to dunces talk about in this video I draw the ball straight to the left in the woods. When I use a weak grip I hit it straight. So please explain that. Idiot. I will sit here for life and you 2 dunces still won't be able to.

  5. I drop the grip/ hands down low so the club rests in my fingers then I grip it

  6. I hold the club vertically in my right (trail) hand with bent elbows, place left hand on, then reposition right over it, then straighten arms while hinging forward at the hips. Joining the hands in the golf grip with club up and elbows bent cause the forearms to counter rotate against each other inward which firms up the grip and the arm triangle and makes the folding and straightening of the trail arm more consistent.

    I discovered this technique by myself then later saw it suggested in the PGA Manual of Instruction and by Martin Hall who calls it EDPU — Elbows Down Palms Up based on how he positions arms and hands before gripping club in the air.

  7. Moe Normans Single Plane address and grip works perfect for me, never hit better, but im an old Guy. Easy on the back and consistent.

  8. Gripping at the address position is the best way to grip a club. Gives you the muscle memory where to return. 😊

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