Golf Players

Rory Giving Advice – Golf Rules Explained


  1. General chat about the golf swing is NOT what's meant by "advice". If you were over the ball and someone suggested a change in your setup, or a different club for example, that would definitely be advice.

  2. … intended to influence a player in deciding how to play during a hole or round. The 'round' is not specific to the next shot.

  3. This is generic swing conversation. What is meant by advice is telling another player what club they used, where they aimed etc.

  4. A) Practice round, so rules don’t apply
    B) By the letter of the rule, this does not qualify as advice. He’s not telling a player what club to use, how to play a hole, or how to make a stroke. The last one might be tripping people up. You can’t tell somebody how to make a SPECIFIC stroke. For example, you can’t look at the guy setting up for a chip and tell him, “you’re going to want to open the club face and sweep under this one to get it to come out high and land soft.” You CAN tell another golfer their swing looks like crap and they need to do x, y, z to swing less crappy.

  5. Rory wasnt giving advice, they were both discussing a concept. Any good player will recognise that, whereas most others wont.
    Besides that, it was a practice round, the rules dont apply…

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