Golf Players

Matt Adams Reacts: Rory McIlroy ANGRY At Joe Lacava On Course Antics

Matt Adams reacts to the beef that seemed to unfold with Rory McIlroy and Patrick Cantlay’s caddie Joe Lacava, with Shane Lowry interceding both on the green and when Rory later confronted US caddie Jim “Bones” Mackay.


  1. No Matt, you are incorrect to state that he was waving his hat in unison with the US team. Unison means as one. The team were off the green, while he wandered towards the middle; they finished while he kept going; they waved it at the green, he waved it towards Rory.

  2. I'm favoured, $60K every week! I can now give back to the locals in my community and also support God's work and the church. God bless America♥️♥️♥️

  3. Hi guys this is the best piece of footage I have seen I don't know either of these people personally but joe larva a walks towards Rory when there is no need for him to incroach while he is lining up his putt from where joe was originally which is why I think Rory was annoyed als the argument in the parking lot you can clearly see Rory was not looking at bones or having a go at bones his vision was else where but I am sure their were friends before and will be afterwards as joe was tigers caddie and I believe a lot of the tour players that live in Jupiter are members of medalist so come across each other a lot joe was out of order and I hope he apologies but let's wait for Netflix as they were prescent filming the Ryder cup for the second series so all this can't lay stuff and the joe thing will be given light of day but the best team one and the golf was amazing from both teams and know one died

  4. Brilliant, explaining of the outer picture by you. Good American but remember two of the people one is from the north of Ireland one is from the south of Ireland and if you take the Michael out of us we will pay you back of course only verbals but if you wanna push it further than that, I suggest you do not?

  5. A caddy has zero agency to directly interact with any other players other than his own man who’s bag he is carrying. He cannot call out rule violations, he cannot dispute anything. His player can. The caddy can not. I repeat he has no agency!! Zero!! La Cava was dead wrong! I’m shocked he transgressed into such bush league conduct. Extremely unsportsmanlike like. Not how golf is to be played. I just have no idea what La Cava thought he was doing. Deeply disappointing and extremely poor sportsmanship.
    It doesn’t matter who Joe was waiving his hat to. He should not be interacting with Rory or inserting himself into or creating a conflict. La Cava was dead wrong.

  6. I don't care how long Joe Lacava has been a caddie. Joe was wrong and he should know better. Any objective person knows this. Joe should never be part of the story. Looks terrible on Joe. Really, really, poor form by the caddie.

  7. All over this country especially in public courses they disrespect the game of golf yelling and playing music..that's not golf.Wouldnt get away with that in my country Scotland golfers have golf etiquette.

  8. You are not Joe, how can you say he "did not have the intent"? Just like you are not the other party either, so you can't say it did not hurt.

  9. Not excusing Joe, BUT what about the many times the US players had to wait while Europe celebrated the four previous sessions.

  10. Way to go Rory. Listening to the US team at their post Cup press conference you'd have thought they won. Laughing, joking etc. Some, not all, sounded like little kids.

  11. This caddie needs to be banned on any course of which it is promoted by the PGA. He's been around long enough to know that his actions had no place when the hole was still in contention. He acted like an asshole and now needs to answer for his actions.

  12. I couldn't image how worse it would have gotten had it been Steve Williams instead of Le Cava. LIV issue might also be mentioned since Steve William was also Greg Norman former Caddy 😂

  13. Should have been loss of hole for LaCava inserting himself into the action. He clearly decided to distract McIlroy

  14. To defend Joe's actions purely based on how respected he is, is rather ridiculous. He got overly caught up in the whole hat waving celebrations but as soon as Rory had asked him to move over and let him prepare for his putt he should've realised and just got out of there. Simple…….

  15. Rory was completely correct. The match wasn't over, you can't interfere with play till it is which is clearly what was happening there, this was an hugely experienced caddy yet he's wandering around almost right in front Rory while he's preparing his putt. He should have been standing respectfully off to the side till play was over. If the roles were reversed I guarantee the reaction would have been the same.

  16. Its not in European eyes its the etiquette of the game you simply do not put people off from making a putt to halve the game.Its a form of cheating end off and if Americans cant see that well spotsmanship over there is dead !!!

  17. Imagine if Joe had done this on the final hole of a major to a player with a putt to force a playoff. He’s lucky he didn’t get laid out on the green by Rory.

  18. Matt, You could 100% forgive Joe for wandering into Rory's line in the moment. Not very professional, though. What is unforgiveable, however was his reaction after this was pointed out to him. This has nothing to do with emotions on both sides. This is all on Joe forgetting his place, his role. He should have showed Rory the proper respect and retreated to allow Rory the time and space to prepare to take the putt. After Fitzpatrick putted, wave your cap in support of players getting paid all you like. He should be censured for this behaviour. Officially called out on it. Then move all. We all make mistakes. Including Rory in the carpark. But guess what, he had the class to apologise.

  19. Sort of like Steve Williams thinking he’s bigger in his role than he might be.
    His guy has made the putt; he has no business being on the green. Just away while the golfer is working.

  20. You are making a pathetic excuse for Lacava Matt. The golfing world knows he was way out of order and should have been dismissed from play on Sunday and made a public apology to the Ryder Cup officials. It is never too late for the latter.

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