Golf Players

Napoli’s Treatment Of Osimhen & The New Gerrard | EP 25

Micah, Gary and Alan reflect on the shocking treatment of Victor Osimhen by his own club Napoli.

Plus, have Liverpool uncovered the next Steven Gerrard? Alan enjoys Newcastle’s victory over Manchester City and the boys recall their experiences playing with the world’s best golfers.

00:00 – Intro
00:31 – Newcastle V Man City’
11:11 – Victor Osimhen Incident
25:54 – The new Steven Gerrard
35:13 – The Rest Is Golf


  1. Anyone saying politics don't belong in football clearly never watched an el classico! In general it's fine to not want to be bombarded with it all the time but football is literally the biggest sport in the world. Hardly a vacuum chamber… don't even get me started on those 'anti woke' contrarians. The lengths they go to to justify racist, sexist and even criminal acts is worrying. All because they can't differentiate disney from real life… it's like we've forgotten respect and human decency isn't political. I agree with Michah, it's so tiring going back and forth with people when all we have to do is be decent to each other. The best thing to do is be a better person, let their nonsense roll off your back and focus on fostering love and understanding in the next generations.

  2. I don’t think that Osihmen video was meant to be racial, but at the same time disrespecting your top scorer and the player that was a massive part of your scudetto win in a long time is utterly ridiculous and distasteful. If you watch any of the games whenever Osihmen scores he always runs to the fans and celebrates, so to turn around and do that is just insane. I think it’s being perceived as racist because they would never do that to Kravastkalia. Overall very very crazy situation. Hope Osihmen comes to Chelsea though, would kill it.

  3. As NUFC fan , i have to agree with Micah , Oscar Bobs was class , can see Pep out to look for a playmaker to unlock defense like David Silva did

  4. A lot of sound common sense from Lineker on racism, but the world out there is not the dressing room. However England is better than Spain or Italy on racism. That's also why Premier league has more global appeal.

  5. This is my feel good podcast, I always finish it with a smile on my face, it's so watchable, even when dealing with heavy subjects which they address so well.

  6. Shearer on a podcast vs shearer on tv is night and day 😂

  7. Some gen z tik tok handler finna cost a team £100m. This will be taught in many classes in the future

  8. This show would be amazing in cartoon, like the Ricky Gervais show haha

  9. This is life 💙 helps my mental health immeasurably just micahs laugh alone needs to be bottled and sold 😂😂 the stories 😂😂😂💙

  10. Not just dressing rooms where people from different backgrounds have harmony Gary

  11. Why are you acting like the people of Naples and some of the most racist people on the planet? Why are you acting like that why are you playing this game? Why are you calling it weird it’s not weird it’s expected I’m surprised it took this long

  12. Although anecdotal, having lived in Italy for a time, I definitely noticed a significant difference between the north and south in terms of attitudes to different cultures/ethnicities. It is still amazing that his own club posted those vids

  13. Apparently he likes coconut on his pizza but is still veey wrong, come to the prem and united that would be good 🤣😂😂

  14. I love how oblivious Micah is when it comes to golf. Those two questions he asked absolutely killed me off when I listened to this.

  15. When man u won the treble they played with 2 up top, so having 4 strikers then is like having 2 now


  16. I’m from hella Chicago but raised in b.a Michigan love it but it’s gone to shite (learned that from the Brit vocab) I only will love parts of that because of the likes of Gary Alan Micah. I’m Indian and American u Brit’s history idk boyo. But y’all some loves I could easy feck wit. Come hang in the Michigan mitten

  17. Lads, can you discuss on the next podcast the VAR error in Spurs v Liverpool? Best league in the world with the worst referees in the world. Officials are either corrupt or severely incompetent.

  18. What Micah says is true you will always have an idiot who posts racist things etc you can never stop racism, just like you can never stop crime there will always be someone who steals…..

  19. The Napoli situation with Victor Ohsimen, I’m disgusted, the social media team seriously need to be investigated and some kind of vetting process needs to be done before posting

  20. I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the increasing issue of speeding within our residential areas. It has become a prominent problem that needs immediate attention and appropriate action from the relevant authorities.

    The problem stems from the fact that many drivers disregard the designated speed limits within our residential neighborhoods. Despite clear signage and the presence of speed bumps, there are frequent instances of vehicles speeding through these areas, posing a significant threat to the safety and well-being of the residents.

    This problem has been further exacerbated by the lack of effective enforcement by local law enforcement agencies. Infrequent patrols and limited presence of traffic control contribute to a sense of impunity among drivers, who continue to engage in reckless behavior, endangering the lives and property of residents.

    The consequences of speeding in residential areas are substantial. Firstly, it compromises the safety of residents, particularly children, elderly individuals, and pedestrians. These vulnerable groups are put at a higher risk of accidents and injuries due to the sheer negligence of speeding drivers. Secondly, the excessive noise caused by speeding vehicles disrupts the peaceful and serene environment that residential areas should provide. The constant blaring of horns and screeching of tires significantly disturb the tranquility of our neighborhoods.

    To address this growing concern, I kindly request that the following actions be taken:

    Increase Police Presence: Allocate additional resources to patrol residential areas, particularly during peak hours, to discourage speeding and enforce traffic regulations more effectively.

    Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch educational campaigns to raise awareness among drivers about the dangers of speeding in residential areas. This could be done through electronic signage, local media, and community engagement programs.

    Additional Traffic Calming Measures: Consider implementing additional traffic calming measures such as speed bumps, traffic circles, or strategically placed signage to further deter speeding and encourage compliance with speed limits.

    Collaboration with Community: Foster collaboration between local authorities and the community to promote an environment where residents actively participate in reporting and addressing speeding violations. This could include initiatives such as anonymous reporting channels and community watch programs.

    I believe that by taking these measures proactively, we can significantly reduce the instances of speeding in our residential areas and create a safer, more livable environment for all residents. Your prompt attention and action in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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