Golf Players

Mastering Your Golf Club Path: The Ultimate Guide

If you’re looking to improve your golf game, then you need to learn about the club path. In this video, I’ll give you the ultimate guide to mastering your club path.

By the end of this video, you’ll be able to understand the club path in depth and use it to your advantage on the golf course and ultimately lower your scores. We’ll also cover the different club paths, outside in and in side out. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to play at a higher level and achieve your golfing goals!



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🎯 Stuart Cartwright (European Tour Coach) – 🎯

⛳ Mike Clark (Expert Putting Coach) – ⛳

🦾 Stuart Robinson BSc (Human Biology) Mchiro DC (Biomechanics) – 🦾

💪Kate Davey (TPi Fitness Level 2 Certified PT) – 💪


  1. I’ve watched a lot of YouTube golf pros and this was an eye opening moment. Makes me feel better that my over the top club path is easily fixable if I get the pressures correct. Thanks for this

  2. You’ve got more “Golden Nuggets” than KFC. I think the information about the contact or pivot point being the bass of the spine is a wonderful lesson in itself. Thanks again. W

  3. Anouther brilliant insight,, this is becoming the best channel on YouTube. Thank you. China Mike.

  4. Stuart, you just angered 100s of coaches around the world, especially YouTube coaches, when you said, if your instructor tells you to swing more from the “ inside” put your club back in your bag and go find another instructor. 😂 Way to go, always tell the truth, no matter who you annoy. This is what I love about you. Yesterday, when I was practicing, I noticed that I was hitting balls to the right and could not figure out what I was doing wrong, so I slowed my swing down and noticed that I was trying to swing from the inside and my club face was open. As soon as I stopped thinking about swing from the inside, my path changed, my club face started to close, and the balls started to go straighter. Keep telling us the truth and teaching us, with science, about how the swing really works. Btw, your swing between 2 balls is fantastic, it’s a drill I use every time I practice, and it has helped my ball contact tremendously. Thank you so much! Cheers.

  5. Thanks Stu, for what you do – this video cements in what we discussed in our lesson last week – cheers, Dunc

  6. Thank you so much for this. I've been trying to force an inside path and I'm having a terrible time.

  7. Just incredible stuff! Well done, once again! I know that my path is out to in, and I’m losing angle of attack (I wont use the word lag or shaft lean haha)because I pressure into my left foot too late. It feels as if my body doesn’t incentivise the pressure , like it can’t translate the pressure going back (towards the swiss ball) into force on the handle, if that makes sense. Can anyone else relate?

  8. I have watched golf instruction videos for 30 years you are the best hope more people get to know your channel

  9. Stu, could you do a video following up on your ‘bowing the left wrist video’ – the key concept I feel is both interesting and important being how the cupped left wrist works through and past strike – for a ‘strong grip’ guy, the cupped wrist, un-hinging through impact, with the handle moving ‘low left’ never felt like it could work (and I was trying all kinds of crazy, non-rotational – flat wrist at the top nonsense, in order to fix it) post our chat, I can now retain the cup and let the ‘heavy end’ swish – please share the insight you gave me with your viewers.

  10. I can say I have never thought about my foot pressure being toe or heel until this video. I struggle with a hook and a pull hook and am always trying to figure out if I am over the top with a closed face or too far from the inside with a closed face. This make me change club path on my takeaway often creating inconsistency across all my clubs. Not sure how I apply this but feel it is relevant even for us hookers of the ball.

  11. Thanks for this you are the only one I have seen say pull on the club I have felt this is what I needed but my coach wants me to allow the club to fall which I cannot do or understand how to do it.I look forward to golf today to try it out,subscribed and will go back and look at your previous videos.

  12. I applaud you for a direct approach to what really should happen in the golf swing. Ben Hogan said that the secret was in the dirt, which was his way of promoting foot work. Being in balance by using correct footwork and the importance of the correct placement of the hands on the club were the other two ingredients. I think you demonstrated all of these so well.

  13. I really appreciate how your content gives attention to individual concepts and parts of the swing yet is additive and holistic at the same time. You don’t make my brain hurt to think of everything as separate concepts, you coach the best full swing I’ve ever felt because it makes it much easier to repeat! After re-watching many of your recent videos (I’m probably on 3x or 4x now haha), I’m starting to put the whole swing together as one movement and it feels glorious. Cheers mate, you’re the best golf coach on YouTube and I hope to see your channel continue to grow

  14. I haven’t seen any of your content before but the the way you described the importance of pressure in the feet I have not heard before. Makes a lot of sense and gives a more tangible reason to put effort into making these moves.

  15. This guy is a legend ❤ just spent 2 hours with him and got some great things to work on, this move is key and I’m going to have to put in some grind to dial it in. If you get a chance book in a session either in person or online, you won’t regret it 🙌

  16. Gave thumbs up right away, nobody teaches from top view, and very hard to find golf swings of Pro's from the top. Excellent.

  17. binge watching your videos before the range tomorrow, trying to absorb and try out all these concepts. great content

  18. Im looking forward to trying this at the range; Mike Malaska talks on this and insists this is the only correct way to compress the ball but i found the explanation on how to do it difficult to understand, this video explained is brilliantly. definitely going to work on this.

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