Golf Rules – Relief Not Always Permitted for an Embedded Ball

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Are you always permitted to take free relief for an embedded ball?
No, the following are situations where you are not permitted to take free relief for an embedded ball:
Your ball is embedded in the putting green, or a penalty area, or a bunker.

Something other than the embedded ball makes the stroke clearly unreasonable.

The ball is at rest in another ball’s pitch mark.

Your ball is embedded in sand in the rough.

The ball became embedded due to it being stepped on, or driven into the ground without being airborne, or when it was dropped whilst taking relief.

If a player’s ball is embedded in the general area but neither the reference point nor any part of the course within one club-length of the reference point is in the general area, the player is not allowed to take free relief under Rule 16.3b.

For example, free relief is not allowed if:
– a ball is embedded at the very base of the lip, wall or face above a bunker,
– the spot right behind the ball is in the bunker and
– within one club-length of and not nearer the hole from that reference point, there is no part of the relief area that is in the general area.
Rule 16.3
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Golf Rules