Learn Golf Swing from the Inside – First

#moenorman #gravesgolf #singleplanegolf #toddgraves #golftips #golfswing

To learn more about the Single Plane Swing and master the fundamentals, you can purchase my Best Selling Single Plane Golf Swing book:

The Swing its actually the shoulders, arms and hands moving around the body. What this means is that the body (inside) of the swing is primary and the arm motion is secondary. Unfortunately most golfers learn this backward and must compensate their arm and hand motion because of incorrect body positions.

In this video I discuss how the inside of the golf swing should be learned first before the outside of the swing.

About the Single Plane Golf Swing

The Single Plane golf swing is not a quick fix golf technique. It is a system, beginning at address, that simplifies the most important moment of the golf swing – impact.

Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back.

This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.

The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.


  1. If you ever watch a 3-4 yr old they will set and swing this way naturally unless they have been taught different.

  2. I am still confused either hip bent then tilt your body or the other way around?

  3. I had initial success with this and now am totally lost, especially with my driver. Like can't get off the tee and hurting my back. Hoping to get back in groove by rededicating to these videos

  4. This has helped my short game combined with the short game videos but still working on long irons and woods.I have been working on it a month with ball alignment trainer and the swing trainer, mirror.I love it and for the first time in my life I see improvements!
    ..I can actually hit consistent wedge shots that are on green or very close from 100 yards and less. After years of army golf with all clubs, looking forward to getter better with long clubs but Im gonna stay where I am at for now with wedges and work on long clubs in the mirror till Im comfortable!

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