Golf Players

Stop Turning Your Body Through Impact And Start Throwing The Club Like This…(The Saga Continues)

Part 1:
Learning how to use your trail arm properly in the downswing can save you a lot of ball striking headaches. In this video, I’ll show you 3 key checkpoints to look for from the shoulder to the hand. You will be a speed producing machine.

0:00 Intro
1:32 What it should look like
2:08 3 Checkpoints for the drill
5:56 The drill and how to practice

In-person Instruction with Chris Tyler and Inquiries: – Personalized Online Coaching
Where Serious Golfers Get Serious Instruction.


  1. Good job! This is how I was taught to hit a golfball back in the 1960s!

  2. Another commercial golf "instruction" . To acheive real impact condition….its more intricate. Sorry

  3. Thanks Chris, great video really suits me as I got strong grip an Love to punch…from Sydney Australia 🇦🇺 you got me mate, cheers

  4. very good explanation on using the trail arm. the swing bag drill is very helpful as well.thank u

  5. i play with a friend who strikes his ball much like what is described in this video. He really sends the ball down the fairway. The only problem is that sometime the ball can go anywhere.

  6. 90% of golf instruction is undoing misunderstood golf instruction. Either misunderstood at the time or drifting away from correct over time.

    So many golf swing are just people doing what they think is right based on flawed translation of feel and real.

    The rest is just people having too high expectation and trying to do things they are not capable of consistently.

  7. Great instructions as usual! Somewhat similar to Peter Cowen's "spin it down" with the difference that he advocated extremely stiff wrists while you have softer ones. Comments please.

  8. Good video Chris – as far as it goes. You don't say what should happen just before impact where the shaft handle should be going around the body which will close the club face, producing the slingshot effect.

  9. When I was younger, we used to say "crack the whip and let it go".
    A good way to figure out what the job of trail arm and wrist should be is rehearsing with the only trail arm holding the club for any shot before actually hitting the ball, you'll get the sensation of a surprising free throw down to the ground, a real snap and even a tiny, short divot that indicates that the snap has acquired a nice, appropriate speed at the exact right time, i.e. impact. That's one of my usual warming drills, it works 😉!

  10. Chris First time seeing you on YouTube. If you never heard of Mike Austin who mentored Mike Dunaway look him up. Guarantee you’ll see the the similarities. Been a student of the swing for close to 50 years. What doesn’t get taught enough is the importance of maintaining the upper body angles on the downswing. My biggest problem is keeping the top of spine and having the belly button going forwarded, in other words my top of spine moves forward with my belly button. Thumbs up on this video. I hit the sub button to see what you have to offer

  11. I was told to feel like throwing the club down the fairway and for 20 years i never paid attention to this. The last couple of months i revisited this drill. I’m 62 now and i hit my driver 20 yards longer. I paid so much attention on turning my body. Took 20 years to rediscover this simple technique.Thanks!

  12. Great stuff here! I really think a lot of mainstream golf instruction has really gone down the wrong path with the ideas of "holding lag" (handle dragging with no throw or little release) and shallowing the club. "Its all about pivot". "Don't use your arms, hands or wrists". etc. This video is a breath of fresh air, and a very common sense approach to how most people should be taught to swing and release the club.

  13. Would you or a player with not a lot of hand and arm strength be able to use same technique with the driver or long clubs?

  14. New to the game. After asking pros and hours of you tube, finally someone discusses what, where and when release is. Thank you.

  15. Alienating your audience with an attitude isn't a good start.
    This was my first watch of your videos and I stopped after you told me to go elsewhere and for the hell of it I watched your earlier video.

    I'm not against 15min videos but I can see what the comment reaction was all about, the first 8 minutes was pure waffle.

    After your unfortunate intro this one was much better. Clear, concise and informative so credit where it's due

  16. Great lesson and drill to get thrust and impact in shortened swing. I've found it helps me to have more control over my swing and outcome

  17. Everybody has their "correct" way. Here, the crazy part, relative to the title, is that the presenter is in fact turning before and thru impact-just like any good player.

  18. I would love to know how – if at all – you would incorporate the constant advice to keep one’s back to the target as long as possible. Bad advice?

  19. Thumbs up and subscribed just based off telling people who complain about free videos to basically buzz off 🙂 Also great information

  20. its a great video, tried this and it feels natural, I actually changed it a little by snapping my wrist straight just pass the ball as I felt i wasn't getting the compression I was use to and could see from my flight was a little too high. With the little change i made I am getting the compression and hitting it alot further. thanks.

  21. I love the impact bag. Im just off to buy a new set of cusions for the sofa before I get into trouble.

  22. Chris I am in a downward spiral of Youtube instruction, from Shawn Clement, to Steve Pratt, Stuart Cartwright, etc. etc. etc. Everyone is teaching such different stuff or at least different in the way I translate it. I love the way you teach but man I am so scared to keep changing every few weeks chasing something real. I guess I am just rambling, looking for a path I can not only stick with but one that results in good golf if I put in the work. Sorry to whine, just love this game and can't get to where I want to be.

  23. Love this video! Great and simple instruction to develop a consistent, correct, repetitive golf swing. Thanks Chris!

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