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WILL JESSE KRIEL GET CITED? | World Cup News Daily | Forever Rugby

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  1. It was head on ball first , then contact with the opposition player…so it's mitigation.

  2. We have the Ref and TMO’ To look at on field possible foul play incidents.
    The Foul play bunker panel have now been discredited from day two
    Curry incident was pure accidental yellow at most
    Japan v Chile
    Chilean prop not only late tackle but I targeted his knee area
    If we to go by Curry incident and what panel recommend them
    Chilean Captain 6 head on head contact
    Yellow only
    Now the refs tmo have lost all confidence in any decision making
    World Rugby pandering to Tier 2/3

  3. There was definitely head contact, no doubt about it! I saw it when it happened and I have the dirty jocks to prove it, because I was sure the Boks were going down to 14. You could even see when the camera next caught Jesse that the side of his forehead and face was bright red, like he'd just had a slap from Victor Matfield. I'm really glad he wasn't sent off, but he should have been according to the law. That's not to say that the law is right, simply that Jesse is a very lucky man!

  4. im sorry its a red card it was a shocking tackle The TMO should be sent home with the ref, They should not be let near a match. The ref was shocking and was he was shocking in the last world cup
    Currie tackle was not as bad as Will Jessse, These discion ruin the world cup. If it would of been one of the small teams ,it would of been a red card.

  5. Neah dont think so. If you look at the video clip from a different angle. His body make contact with the ball. Also if there was head contact the Scottish player head would have moved but it didnt

  6. There's always going to be head contact in rugby it's a full on contract sport, all theses impacts jessie and currys penalty at worse, can't be avoided at times ..

  7. Bit of extra news.

    Today Tom Curry has his suit on and is off to a disciplinary, meanwhile Jesse Kriel is having a coffee with his mates. Finally the Flying Fijians are being the decent humble human beings they are, whilst ex Welsh Players and Journalists are mystified at the performance of the referee in their game against Wales.

    Chances are Curry will be banned for a couple of matches (crazy law but correct decision) seems Jesse Kriel is in the clear and SA v's Scotland TMO Ben Whitehouse will receive no sanction for his inability to see what theed rest if the world saw.

    World Rugby will do and say nothing, as per usual, apart from the Owen Farrell farce.

    Highlight of the tournament so far:

    Fiji crash into contact again after yet another penalty. Botia tries to force his way over but he knocks the ball on in contact. The referee wants a TMO check, but Botia shakes his head, and tells the referee not to bother, because he knocked it on player telling the referee he knocked the ball on.

    Pure class in my book.

  8. Jesse should have been carded (yellow) and referred to the bunker. We were lucky. The Super Rugby trial where they had 20min red card then the carded player can be replaced is the best solution under these laws in my opinion

  9. Iconic Springbok wing Bryan Habana weighed in on the controversy with his own take, saying: "As a South African I love Jesse Kriel. But from a pure rugby perspective that confuses us so much. It's incredibly frustrating. I felt for Tom Curry last night, I would feel for Jesse Kriel, would that then go to a disciplinary hearing if it wasn't given on-field yellow or red? We're just so confused around the consistency and as fans of the game we just want to understand why."

  10. What about all the times the Scottish players had the springbok players around the neck in the tackle and Finn's shoulder charge. There is definitely inconcistancies in the reffing. If the rules are too complicated then inconcistancies will alway creep in.

  11. Rugby is no way as hard as it was before you could ruck headhigh tackle stomp fight hit heads spear tackle whatever and rarely got carded now just a little tap and you get carded pussy rules killing the game.The fact rugby is the only sport in the world where players regularly get carded says somethings wrong with the laws and rules

  12. If that was head contact ,that Scott would've been screaming about it and he would've stayed down and making it clear to the ref …. clearly he didn't because there wasn't any ,contact and the box would've over ruled the ref …

  13. No head contact. So funny. They have buried this incident. It was an accident for sure but it was a card in the law. Not to look at it at all was a travesty. SA needs to just say thx you got away with one… stop trying to justify.

  14. They should rescind Curry's redcard and go back to having 3 officials, before it ruins the game

  15. Jessie Kriel made first contact with the ball, thats why he was'nt sited. Another camera picked it up. Thats why him and Dempsey bounced away from each other. The fans and the TV watchers unfortunately did not see a replay of this camera angle.
    Siting also has to be within 36 hours and that did not happen.

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