The NO.1 Reason Your Driver Swing Is SO INCONSISTENT!

There are so many reasons why your driver swing may be inconsistent! However, what we find is that most amateur golfers are trying to correct the wrong things, which only makes things worse. Some times you don’t need to work on the fancy things in the golf swing. Sometimes it’s the simple changes that can make a big difference and this lesson ultimately proves that!

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0:00 – Intro
00:29 – Vladan’s biggest issue
01:47 – Step no.1 – The Grip
04:18 – Step not.2 – The ball position
07:20 – How to stop swinging over the top!

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  1. Love how you guys work on their main issues, and not try to completely change their swing. For people who have been golfing for years, we've developed a comfortable swing style. Changing that can be detrimental. So I really like this. A had a 1 hr lesson at a local spot on a simulator and he essentially just tried changing my entire swing to hit a draw, while I comfortably hit a natural cut. He'd show me something, look away, then stare at his watch. Was a waste of my time and money. I dont care what Tiger says, Youtube videos like this have drastically helped my game! 😁

  2. The socks …no no no no stop it piers just stop it please 🤯🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. This is me, lol. Seems the more things I try, the more inconsistent it is. For me, and my most recent rabbit hole of swing thoughts, is that the issue is more about my overactive wrists in the backswing and transition (looking like a huge overswing), causing a cast in the downswing, a lack of fluid, relaxed wrists at impact, and very inconsistent contact. Great video!

  4. Any tips or fixes on how to stop me shanking and hitting it off the heel really killing my game at the minute

  5. I love this lesson because of how the instructions are not being given to the viewer without any context: I'm a teacher and have my hands full debunking a great deal of YouTube/TikTok gotten golf instruction with my students, and the biggest issue is not that the content they're citing is bad, but rather it doesn't apply to their personal situation at all in almost every case. This shows that fixing one's swing is almost never a matter of just "adding" one element from a tips video, but the combo of many factors that are nearly impossible for the individual to see themselves doing…holey moley, I digress!!! Thanks guys, at length!

  6. What a drive at the end!! He crushed that LOL! Ball position is my problem 100% and this video showed me. I hit my 5 iron off the tee box at 200+ yards but I slice the living crap out of my driver 8/10 times. Changed my ball position and the club face came in perfect. Wow.. TY GUYS.

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