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How the Barefoot Shoe Industry Lies to You

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The degree to which you successfully transition to barefoot shoes will depend on your current foot function, and how you approach your supplementary strength & mobility work for your feet. You MAY be luckier than me, and barefoot shoes might allow your biomechanics to align naturally. The fact is that won’t be the case for everyone, unfortunately that undercurrent of dishonestly still runs deep in this industry…

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  1. I don't have any anterior transverse arch in my feet. I tried barefoot shoes and I feel how walking with them challenges my muscles, but after only a few minutes I'm literally walking on my bones. Without cushioning, I would be in immense pain when walking and would cause longterm mechanical problems in my feet. I still find my barefoot shoes useful to see how my feet strengthening and the building of said anterior transverse arch progresses through dedicated training, but barefoot shoes will be too harmful for daily life for me for quite some more years.

  2. The price you pay for what you get is the biggest scam but tons of peeps boast about paying those prices for years. backwards world 😂

  3. How ALL industry lies to you3💀🤺💀🤺💀🤺💀🤺💀🤺💀🤺💀🤺💀👻

  4. You ramble a lot without much substance.. the true answer is technique. it is that simple: If you walk heel first, in "normal, padded" shoes, it should be OK ish…. and if you walk FRONT FOOT hitting the ground first, in barefoot shoes, you will see all the benefits that the barefoot shoe company said.., believe it or not. now, if you walk heel first, in barefoot shoes, YOU WILL INJURE yourself completely and destroy body. .. there is a technique for walking barefoot and with barefoot shoes, and that must be done frontfoot first hitting ground, to carry impact, then heel land soon after. it is weird at first, but then i get all the benefits mentioned. my legs feel way better and lighter.

  5. Barefoot shoes is FAR from being industry compared to mainstream brands 😂 personally I feel so much better after going barefoot. My only recommendation is to to let people make their own judgement…

  6. The title of this video is pretty misleading (bordering on click bait). I get what you’re saying in the film, but the title suggests you sit on the side of traditional footwear which I don’t believe you do. The film has done well for you, but the message could be clearer … that barefoot shoes alone won’t solve your problems. The comments do seem to suggest that barefoot shops help rather than hinder people with skeletal type issues that do seem to be exacerbated by regular shoes and trainers.

  7. Barefoot shoes helped my kids with pain in legs and the older daughter has signifficantly better walking posture and she stopped complain about knee pain two or three months after switching to barefoot.
    I had lot of issues with my flat feet for several months, in that time (like 5 years ago) I wasn´t even able to stand on my feet in the morning. It was painful and after like 20 mins pain was not so strong, so I can normally go into work. But there was a problem with standing, can´t stand long, also my back was in pain really often. And my friend, which is experienced physiotherapeutist, told me, that I should walk each day around my house in small roundy stones for few minutes to train muscles in instep. She also recommended me to get out socks, while walking inside house, so the feet has direct contact with ground. I also visited our hospital (orthopaedic doctor), they told me, I need to have special insert in my shoe (I weared Salomon mostly) to get pain out. But she told me to follow her advice with walking on stones outside and avoid this insert with explanation, that insert is there only to push out the pain, but it´s not solution, it´s just for surpassing symptoms. I followed her advice for 6 weeks, start was really painfull (was not able to walk more than few meters) and one day, the pain just vanished completely. After this she recommended to wear barefoot and the pain just never came back. I can stand pretty long, my back is in pain just occasionaly (mostly from my office sitting-bad posture). So everything is better. Similar experience has my GF, she actualy started to wear it few months earlier than me and her problems with pain in feet vanished.
    So, yes, maybe you have some problems, which barefoot can´t fix alone. And you should visit physiotherapeutist.

  8. as someone who is an expert in soft tissue dysfunction , I have to say that you give vague info while sound like you know something …the issues you speak of can be fixed with a good osteopath and massage therapist with some physio…all bones are dynamic and can be deformed and reformed properly no matter your age …so plantar fasciitis is caused my fascial distortion that can only be fixed by proper techniques to release the fascial distortion

  9. It's obvious that allowing your feet to work in the manner that we evolved before shoes is what's best for our health.
    I prefer them just because my posture is better and my back hurts less.

  10. so if i have walked around a fair amount of my life barefoot, barefoot shoes should just be like an extra skin right?

  11. In my perspective is that they are still in development bcs these industries is still new and for me is better to use barefoot shoes than conventional shoes for certain activity. But the best option is no shoes at all 😊

  12. It wasn’t till I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail that I realized how much proper biomechanics mattered. It wasn’t necessarily the trail itself but the constant 15-30 mile days. In the beginning of that hike I had shoes with all the gimmicks (arch support, ankle support, shank, water proof) & they started causing major issues. Ball-of-foot pain was horrible. Ankle rolling was a problem. Hot & sweaty feet was also frustrating. I switched my footwear multiple times & eventually settled on minimalist shoes & that solved 90% of my issues. Not surprising… virtually everyone else thru-hiking came to similar conclusions.

    I don’t think these conclusions are generally reachable for the weekend warrior type person since there just isn’t enough recurring stress to activate it. That’s why I suspect this negative feedback loop of poorly designed & marketed footwear will forever persist.

  13. I love science and I'm aware that experts have stated that barefoot shoes are bullshit and possibly harmful.

    But: It doesn't change the fact that I tried to resolve my shin splints with traditional shoes for 10 years with no luck. However, I've never experienced the pain of shin splints after I started using the barefoot shoes. Never. I suffered from it for 10 years.

    I didn't go into barefoot shoes thinking that my feet would adapt to barefoots in 15 minutes after using supported shoes for 20+ years. I took it slow and looked at guide videos.

    So if the science says it's bullshit, it's quite likely that the science hasn't really looked at it thoroughly enough.

  14. I don't see anything wrong with anything you just said. Barefoot shoes are not a universal panacea. You have to use critical thinking and common sense. That is the Problem. There is very little in the way of sense anymore. Keep up the good work.

  15. People don’t understand when anything comes to health.
    What works for others might not work for you. That doesn’t mean these companies are misleading

  16. thanks for this video. I still don't know which is which. I'd be happy to hear what scientists say but can't find much in either direction. But you're right, we're all different and it might be worth to try it out, it might also not work out, and we should just remain aware of it and listen to our bodies.

  17. I can see the benefits, however they are a rip off, they talk about expensive manufacturing, materials and marketing etc. However in reality they are no different from regular shoes, in terms of manufacturing, the"high tech" materials used, are the same high tech materials used on most trainers. there are less materials required and a lot less pieces doe to the simplistic nature of the shoes. On a technicality, they are easier to produce and cheaper to manufacture. The problem is it's a niche market with lower volume production, so they can put whatever price they want on them.

  18. Moccasins are barefoot shoes, people have gone barefoot from the beginning, sandals are nice, wet and cold weather more covering is good, but shoes have always hurt me. I know I need shoes for hot pavement and sharp things but I don't need the kind of shoes that hurt my feet, which most shoes. I agree that people need to be careful but I go barefoot in the house and wear sandals out side but even sandals are not that great. I went out today wearing a very barefoot shoe and came back a lot less tired after being on my feet steady for an hour. one problem I heard of years ago, a lady was talking to my mom about shoes, she wore at least 2 inch heels, she could not wear flats. In a very hot city we need to consider a little extra padding against the hot pavement. In winter we need to consider the cold. It is the discomfort of shoes that keeps me in slippers and barefoot.

  19. At 7.40 to 7.55 you're talking about people's experiences wearing barefoot shoes and how good they were on their feet is totally individually and to not expect these experiences to be in general. But in your video you are talking about your own individual experience on barefoot shoes and not some professional research. Also at the beginning you are showing some facts about barefoot industry incomes and how they are rising. You've right its a lot of money and maybe the classic shoe industry dont want to lose a bigger pie.

  20. all the claims made by VFF are true. The problem is you have to walk on your toes to benefit. If you walk on your heels like "modern shoes" taught us, you will injure yourself. The other problem is that ALL barefoot shoes have design flaws. The concept is correct, but the execution is not quite there, every company makes the shoes very differently.

  21. in hate videos with titles like this, like can we just have something without some reddit cynic crawling out their hole to cause scepticism based on personal anecdotes

  22. Every barefoot shoe video I’ve seen always has some negative title about barefoot shoes then the actual video talks about them highly and sells me on them more.

  23. The main problem may be the term "barefoot shoes"…. If you are wearing shoes, you are not barefoot! The minimalist shoe companies themselves sometimes refuse to use the term. The best way to develop correct form is not to consider the shoes a magic panacea, but rather, to actually go barefoot. As the Xero Shoes guy says in many different videos, just take off your shoes, run on a smooth hard surface (asphalt/concrete), until it stops being fun, then stop. Then next time, try to go further, but stop when it stops being fun. Once you know how to run barefoot, you will appreciate how the shoes can give you that necessary bit of extra protection on irregular or unforgiving surfaces. But they are not the same as being barefoot, which is how the human foot is actually designed to work.

    I am not an athlete of any kind, and could not run comfortably at all for the first 35 years of my life, developing knee arthritis and stress fractures in my feet, until I learned to run barefoot. Suddenly, running and walking and hiking were fun. As the Dos Equis guy says, I don't always wear shoes, but when I do, I wear only zero-drop, wide-toebox shoes. Which are not "barefoot". No problems since.

  24. Everybody talks about how your feet feels the ground when you wear minimalist barefoot shoes but what about running after a bus on tarmac but you don’t see the broken glass on the tarmac and the sharp glass cuts through your barefoot shoes like butter, potentially cutting your feet. I’m sure there’s been plenty of injures like that but nobody is addressing that.

  25. Regular shoes have hurt my feet so badly, I am forced to walk on the outside of my heel just to reduce the pain I feel. My toenails have grown sideways they look like a shape of the point of a normal shoe. Every time I work on my feet for 8 hours a day, by the end of the day the top of my arches are in such intense pain. My feet are wide, and wearing wide sizes did NOTHING. Every time I wear regular shoes my feet feel like they are bound, at the toes especially. So I am going to try out wide toe box zero drop shoes, to see if it changes anything while I work.

  26. 1. Complete misrepresentation of the details of a lawsuit – even to the point of mischaracterizing a settlement as a judgement.

    2. Tried New Balance shoes to verify the claims of Vibram shoes.

    3. Paints a false picture using images of Vibram shoes to discuss experiences with New Balance shoes.

    4. Chose shoes based on fashion in order to criticize shoes based on function.

    5. Presenting misleading personal opinions in a factual/informative/educational manner as an industry exposé to frame the situation in a false manner.

    Sir, this is libel. You're extremely lucky if you do not get sued, served cease and desist, and have a judgement issued against you. There is a clear case to be made here about your responsibility to the public and the slandering of products. If you do not receive legal action, it would likely be out of the goodness of the hearts of those whom you have slandered.

  27. 100 percent agreed. But the main point i started wearing them is because wearing regular shoes with massive souls ruin your foot muscles and cause many more long term problems because it is extremely unnatural.

  28. Lets say i love pain and i want a hard transition…. if i do this will me feet be ok in the end ..or would a fast hard transition actually hurt me permanently?? Im a marine and a bodybuilder so im used to sore pain i enjoy it dont mind the pain at all.. but i do want the most healthy path …so i guess what im saying is will a fast transition cause injury..or just sore from the muscles working ?

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