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NHL Worst Plays Of The Week: STEVE’s RESPONSE TO MARCHAND | Steve’s Dang-Its

Steve Dangle shares his picks for worst plays of the week in the NHL. He goes over everything from Sam Bennett batting a goal into his own cage to addressing his Twitter beef with Brad Marchand earlier this week.

Have a Dang-It? Tag us on Twitter! @steve_dangle and @nickandrade


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  1. Well done guys, however the advil sponsor is not worth the aggressive plugs between EVERY INDIVIDUAL DANG IT. That itself is a Dang It.

  2. Ummm @11:00 The Dman didn't even touch the goalie. He fell OVER the goalie's skate pad. The goalie fell on his own.

    That's a goalie dangit.

  3. There’s a reason I don’t watch sportsnet YouTube videos anymore at least the hockey ones. And that’s cause of this guy. TSN’s bar down crew is so much better and funnier

  4. Those advil ads were so annoying that I'm only using generic ibuprofen from now on

  5. Don't sell yourself short on chirps, Steve. Your reply that you "thought he (Marchand) would appreciate being the third person in" response was a certified banger.

  6. I would have responded to his shot with " I dunno it was just the first thing that popped into my head. Sounds dumb doesn't it Brad?"

  7. Fibromyalgia sufferer here. I really wish pharmaceutical corporations would stop pushing inneffectual "pain relievers". Just stop… acetominophen and ibeuprophin don't work for chronic pain. THAT'S A #DANGIT



  9. Didnt love the constant cuts to the logo screen. Not because Im anti-ads or anything (I actually haven't had a single complaint with the new ads in hockey this season, money makes the world go round i get it) but because Im a boomer in youtube terms and like old fashioned videos with as few cuts as possible. That said, I know that the current trends on youtube are to have lots of cuts and breaks cause people nowadays have the attention span of a peanut. The cuts were nice and smooth. Maybe change the sound cue to the sound of a pill bottle popping open? (like the old school ones with the arrows that lined up and made that satisfying pop sound) Idk i think the sound cue kills the vibe and makes too much of a break. Hate it in spirit, but want these videos to be successful. This might not even get read anyway.

    Signed- a dude that really likes editing videos even though his most watched ever is like 2k views.

  10. players have this severe need to touch the puck regardless if it's a bad idea/costs them. They give their goalie impossible chances and deflections and it's frustrating every time cause they could just let the puck pass and play defense or trust their goalie.

  11. The amount of crying about the ad transitions is a dang it.

    While it's not ideal, it's not that big of a deal. I'm expecting something atrocious and then I see what's got yall in a tizzy and it's that?!

    In fact my favorite part about it is. Yall aren't crying because the transitions are bad, nope, just because they're sponsored. No one complains about transitional graphics in any videos, but God forbid there's a minor sponsor on it? How dare they!

  12. Also i think it's a dangit that Boston management hasn't told Marchand he needs to shut the hell up and stop being an idiot

  13. Re: Marchand "roast": a man is known by his friends, but even more by his enemies. Steve, you must be a very good person.

  14. I couldn’t get all the way through this with the Advil dang it cuts after every clip. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

  15. You know what Steve brad Marchand is my favorite player of all time, but you took that like a champ and made it funny props to you

  16. you should own brad back by tweeting out " so the new crying jordan meme is out " and then a still after they either get elimed from the playoffs or lost the stanley cup where he was crying LOL

  17. Thank heavens for slo mo…. I wouldn't have seen any of these "Dang-its" otherwise! Also, at about the 6 minute mark, cagy the segway into Advil "helping with bruises or the score board"! 😉 What do I think about this weeks Dang-its?👍👍What I think😁

  18. Sharks fan here… 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  19. Brad Marchand is a clown. I would say like 80% of the population of his home province hate him. The other 20% eat crayons.

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