Golf Players

Peyton & Eli Manning react to Aaron Rodgers injury on ManningCast

Peyton & Eli Manning react to Aaron Rodgers injury on ManningCast.


  1. Pretty much everyone is upset about this. I was hoping for a huge downfall through Rodgers sucking but this is never good to see. At his age I doubt he plays again but hopefully he can recover.

  2. This is clearly a 9/11 ritual! Wow, I can’t believe y’all can’t see it! Lord, please bring the rapture😩😩😩

  3. What could be more Jets than Rodgers getting injured 4 plays into his debut, turns out he ruptured his Achilles, he is out for the season, AND it just so happened to be 9/11. This franchise, for their sake and well-being, should be dissolved and rebuilt as a brand new franchise cause this is just screams cursed more than anything.

  4. Ol" covid toe will be out for the season. Good for football. Go Jets!! Don't need him. Too much baggage. Go Jets!!

  5. Initally I was like "aw that didn't look bad!"
    Then I saw the zoomed in slo-mo..
    😳 Yea, something DEF went down!!

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