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Invictus Games 2023: Closing Ceremony | CBC Sports

Watch music and dance performances from the Merker Spiel-Arena to wrap up the 2023 Invictus Games in Düsseldorf, Germany.
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  1. I salute all the brave men and women who earned Invictus. I would of Donated if Harry and Meaghan did not take up the whole show with There Brand. Invictus made a mistake. And will suffer for it. Because of those two Idiots. Sad.

  2. Congratulations Invictus family, Prince Harry and Meghan and the host country!!!💐👏❤️ What a week of love , caring, compassion. The world needs Invictus!!!👍

  3. J'ai adoré la finale et le remerciements de tous. Bravo Prince Harry pour les Invictus Games c était grandioses.
    Très heureuse pour les prochains Invictus Games aux Canada en 2025.

  4. Thank you all. Humanity galore. Kindness in tons. Spirits revived and restored. I can’t wait to watch these competitors again. Invictus, keep growing. The world is catching on.

  5. I enjoyed the Invictus Games all week!!! Wish they weren't ending now. See you in two years!!! Congratulations to all who participated.🌎🥇🥈🥉

  6. well done, Harry . And well done Canadian Corporal James, for playing bagpipes for those 63 families. An experience well-expressed and respectfully shared.

  7. Congrats to the organizers of the Invictus Games and for the focus on our veterans. Job well done Harry and team!!

  8. Incredible! A show of courage, patriotism, comradarie, and humanity! God bless our veterans, Prince Harry and the Organizers and donors of Invictus, families and supporters of the participants, volunteers, the amazing host the city and people of Duesseldorf and the entire country of Germany!!!❤

  9. Congratulations to Prince Harry for his visions, Duchess Meghan for standing by your husband the boards of directors, athletics, Invictus family and friends. I can’t wait to witness the next one.

  10. no better way to honor the men and women who sacrificed their own lives to protect democracy.

  11. Wonderful and very well organised Invictus Games Closely Ceremony. Congratulations to the Invictus Games, to Invictus Games Foundation and to the host country, Germany. It seems to have had an excellent environment of joy and good relationship. Excellent speeches of the CEO of Boeing , of the President of Germany, who has no forgotten, but much remembered, the ilegal, and barbaric , invasion of Ukraine by the current Russian’s political regime .

    And, Prince Harry gave an excellent speech at the Invictus Games Closing Ceremony . He spoke to the hearts of war veterans, about subjects closely related to the daily lives of them , that is , about issues related to the feelings that war veterans must feel as a result of the hardships caused by their participation in the war, and about the need to overcome them and begin a new Life process.
    Congratulations to all of them, participants and organisers.

  12. I'm disgusted at the way that awful woman not only took the spotlight away from the veterans, but actually marched ahead of them! A total insult. So is the bill for her hotel. Those hideous clothes and possible fees for attending. I will not donate a penny to this charity while she is allowed to be there. To save the invictus games get rid of her. She made the whole thing into a pantomime.

  13. Invictus games is no longer a charity since Harry moved to the US . The IVG is now used as a self enrichment and self promoting platform as Harry has claimed the rights by only allowing Archwell/Netflix photo-videographers during the games, ergo all footage is owned by him/Netflix and they determine to what is and isn't sold to the media. They make money off the backs of wounded veterans.
    Proof is that only footage about the wife (dressed up party) has appeared in the media because her PR agent is busy rebranding her and making her likeable, when the media should be focussed and showing footage of the wounded warriors.
    And how about the fact that he attached Better up to Invictus, that is conflict of interest.

  14. I found the closing ceremony impressive, especially the German dignitary's speech. Thank heavens the woman was ousted from the programme, although I half expected her to come charging up to the podium to get her oar in, uninvited, at the end. Thank you for bringing it to us.

  15. 02:57:00 – what a boorish cad Harry was towards the host. He makes an unscripted, surprise entrance that throws her off her mark, forces her to walk off stage revealing the microphone pack taped to the back of her dress, doesn’t thank her because he didn’t bother to learn her name, and then complains that they took his chair and can’t sit down. He’s still the rude entitled man from Spare.

  16. A true testimony to courage. Bravo Prince Harry for giving a plateform to our veterans around the world. Your mother would be so proud of what you are doing. Keep doing it…

  17. Well done to all the competitors. Your hard work and determination has shone through all events in the games.

  18. Just be amazed at what these veterans can do. They are awesome athletes, heroes, and humans. If you haven’t faced such enormous challenges in life, as I have not, we can’t imagine the road they have travelled to get here. Then add the actual medical traumas they have survived, beyond the actual service they gave their countries. And everyday they live their lives with these challenges. I am in awe of such people, who then allow us the privilege of watching them at sport. Kudos to any person who had a vision for these games and the power they would have in the healing process for these veterans . For me, I’m not surprised it was the son of Princess Diana. I thank Prince Harry, (and his Duchess) for sharing his vision with the world.
    So very sad that his family couldn’t wish him well in the endeavour, nor wish their own country’s athlete’s success.
    Another missed opportunity! Thank you Invictus Games 2023, and the host country Germany. 💜

  19. Why this hatred showed its ugly face, should Harry and Meg come naked to the games stay put Harry and Meg proud of you ❤

  20. Bravo à vous tous les militaires de chaques Pays, qui permettaient que nous les citoyens de chaque Pays puissent dormir en Paix.
    Merci de nous permettre de vous soutenir à nôtre tours et de pouvoir partager cela avec nous.
    Merci pour votre dévouement a vos valeurs votre Nation et à votre résilience.
    Vous nous avez fait vibré pendant ces Invictus Games 2023 en Allemagne, à l'année prochaine au Invictus Games Canada 2024.

  21. Harry was terribly rude to the host. He walked onstage early, totally threw her off her game, did not thank her by name and then complained about how he wasn’t left with a bench to sit and then made a dig about the RF taking his military patronages away. He’s always settling scores and came off as boorish and petty.

  22. What a wonderful amazing job. Prince Harry you nailed it. Giving those great, strong competitors a chance to prove nothing is impossible.
    You are your mother’s son.

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