Golf Players

The Guy With ‘Too Much Muscle’ Shatters World Records

Li Dayin shocked the weightlifting world when he moved up to the -89kg weight category and set new world records in the snatch and total, as well as a 10kg personal record in the clean and jerk. His 180kg snatch and 396kg total now rank him as the number one 89kg weightlifter in the world.

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  1. And The average gym goer thinks deadlifting 180kg is cool, these dudes are lifting more above their head 😂

  2. China has been messing around with DNA and gene-altering for a long time now. Who knows how many bio-engineered people they got walking around this point? This guy sure makes a strong case for that lol

  3. Naim Suleymanoglu 50 kg. And lifted 185 kg. When you compare this Naim, he is weak. But for us he is very powerful. 😂

  4. I don't even care that they are jacked on the most insane drug protocol regime imaginable this is still amazing.

  5. Li Dayin is seriously awesome to watch! In my opinion one of the most effortless-looking lifts was from Kakhi Kakhiashvili World Record 188 Kg, Athens, 1999

  6. In another 15 years, we'll see the results of genetically modified power lifters and we wouldn't even know it.

  7. Olympic lifting is pure poetry in motion . When I was a kid there was a guy in my small town of New Zealand who went to the 1982 commonwealth games , 1984 Los Angeles olympics , 1986 commonwealths in Edinburgh Scotland , 1988 soul olympics and 1990 commonwealth games New Zealand . He lifted in the 82.5 kg class and his best lifts were a snatch of 152kg and a clean and jerk of 193kg . Phenomenal lifts for 82.5 kg but he said to me years latter the Bulgarians and Russians in the day were dame near snatching his clean and jerk . Just ridiculous strength really .

  8. I move around 500 pound barrels of spray foam by sliding them inch by inch. I can’t believe how these guys can possibly do this. It’s incredible! Wow!

  9. The guy with "too much muscle" competing in weightlifting… you know I think that might just be a good thing lol

  10. This is the result of a country that doesnt allow LGBTQ to confuse and destroy it. Both athiesm and LGBTQ is a direct affront to God, but God is judging the US for it's acceptance of both, especially when we once were a nation built on truth, justice, and Judeo-Christian ethics. Did God destroy Babylon or Ninevah for their brutality? Although the people were still judged, he gave them an opportunity to repent… Sodom and Gomorrah- two cities full of sexual perversion were annihilated because they were so corrupt with lust, no amount of preaching was ever going to pierce their hard hearts- therefore they were destroyed because God is Holy and Just.
    God is merciful, and ever since He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross and then rose again on the 3rd day, He is gathering His Elect from every language, people-group, and nation… even people that once were LGBTQ are repenting and trusting in Jesus, but sadly it isn't as common as I would pray for. The United States has long been the bastion of Christian Mercy and Hope, but it now has turned it's back on God and wishes to do things its own way… God could very well hand us over to the Chinese for judgement, much like He did with Israel to Babylon.

  11. yes thank god for drugs I say in between laughing my head off , lets see if he has tits in 15 more years shall we

  12. The mechanics of the snatch have always perplexed me. How shoulders and elbows don't explode when loading weight in that angle is insane

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