GEM Golf Swing Trainer Unboxing – Check Out New Training Aid

Unboxing of the GEM Golf Swing Trainer.


GEM Inventor Interview:

GEM Setup and Wobble:

About GEM:
The GEM golf swing trainer bills itself as the #1 swing trainer recommended by PGA Pro Teachers. The unique rods and weights attach to your club and provide instant feedback to keep your club on plane.

How The GEM Will Improve Your Swing:
* Unlocks more power
* You will learn how to release the club head faster through the hitting area, increasing power & distance.
* Creates the correct wrist hinge
* You will feel the club head moving into the ‘toe-up’ position at waist height in the backswing.
* Keeps club face square at impact
* You will feel the club head moving into the ‘toe-up’ position at waist height in the backswing.
* Build confidence with every club
* The endless consistency of your swings will give you unshakeable confidence with every club in the bag.

More Information:

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