Golf Players

Does Justin Thomas belong on the U.S. Ryder Cup team? – OverDrive | Part 1 | Aug 29th 2023

Bryan Hayes and Dave Poulin are joined by Jeff O’Neill to break down the United States Ryder Cup team picks and debate their chances at the upcoming Ryder Cup. Later they are joined by TSN Basketball Analyst Leo Rautins to discuss Canada’s play at the FIBA World Cup and breakdown their chances to qualify for the Olympics.


  1. No. It was popularity contest. If it was anything but Bradley and Glover would’ve got 1 of the spots

  2. Justin Thomas probably can't cut it in my Friday evening beer league golf league – he's done. I've seen this movie before.

  3. Look, if he were going into a stroke play competition he would've picked some different players. But this is a team event and he picked the right team

  4. What a load of poo! Sure everybody should get a trophy! There are no winners and losers it’s just for fun! Come on now group hug! I’m not sure how Zach was given this leadership role but I’m guessing it’s all about butt kissing !

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