Golf Players

Lia Thomas and Schuyler Bailar Defend Transgender Athletes Against Critics

Lia Thomas, a transgender swimmer, and her colleague Schuyler Bailar have spoken out against critics, accusing them of using feminism as a guise to promote transphobic beliefs. They argue that excluding transgender athletes from women’s sports is not a genuine defense of women’s rights.


  1. He has some very disturbing pictures on his private Instagram. Sicko

  2. He's fucking delusional and should be ashamed of himself. Disgusting guy.

  3. Fucking bitch I’m a female swimmer and genetically we have to work harder in sports
    Men are just built like that
    I have no problem
    But this oooooooo mf mf I want to punch the shit 😵‍💫

  4. You’re oppressing real women by taking opportunities and success from them despite your biological advantage. The fact that you’re not ashamed that you’ve put women in a situation to be forced to look at your penis in changing rooms and who have to change in front of you says everything about you. Dipshit.

  5. Im not gonna win with this trans or whatever they call themselves even if its boxing or wrestling…

  6. F*CK U William. You're NOT A WOMAN. Stop deluding yourself and robbing the women their own rights!

  7. Me, as a feminist after that:

    Oh shit, from now on i will be identified as a male unicorn, just to see what will happen…

  8. Send like he is just mad because it is not fair for him to compete with other woman because he is a biological man. So he lost so he's mad.

  9. Hes a disgusting piece of trash. A MAN….not a woman SHOULD NOT Be allowed to compete with REAL WOMAN AND HE IS NOT A WOMAN

  10. Respecting this persons mental perspective is one thing, but they should know that their physic is different.

  11. Holy crap, Im speaking as a pro-lgbtq and genderqueer. This is ridiculous. Its not transphobic. These biological women dont deserve this. There is a reason WHY there is separate women and men sports. Wake up. Dont cover up your faults and wrongdoings by blaming "feminism". Its not

  12. Either this narcissist is so good he gaslit himself or he’s a sociopath.

  13. "Feminism has reduced woman to reproductive capacity." What about the biological men taking the achievements these hard working biological women? What about the biological women that are losing their jobs, their sponsorships, their everything, to a man dressed like a woman. The last time i heard a feminist call a biological woman a "birthing person" or "breeder" or "womb-having-individuals" was exactly never. That loser and his male friend are not competitors, their cheaters.

    Honest to god, shut the fuck up William.

  14. So is biology and science transphobic then we our whole education system and anything you learn in STEM is transphobic
    Laptop is Transphobic
    TV is Transphobic
    Mathematics is Transphobic
    Science is Transphobic
    History is Transphobic
    Building is Transphobic
    Taco is Transphobic
    Cheese is Transphobic
    This interview is Transphobic
    The car that Lia drives is Transphobic
    The air we breath is Transphobic
    The water we drink is Transphobic
    My dick is Transphobic because my option is that I don’t want to stick it into a “trans girl” but a biological girl

    Like the only thing they will think is not Transphobic is
    1. People that give them attention
    2. The money they get from donation
    3. Themselves ( even thought some are)

  15. I like when you ask a person fighting for transwomen “what a women is” they can’t answer directly but when you ask a biological women who is fighting for there fight they can

  16. Can I just say I just realized that this is literally just women fight for there right against men but this time it is men that are disguised as women

    Like the only reason women to male athletes are not talked about much is because they are not at a advantage they are at a disadvantage and that was there choice to make unless they make the girl on T go against women who are not on T can I just say the best solution for this is to allow steroids in to sports then everyone can be even as everything is now not compete with natural ability but seeing who can get more juiced

  17. This is stupid and disgusting. She is not a woman. He is a white male gaining advantage over women and coming against a movement that was created to liberate women from white males.

  18. The only reason you win is because your stronger than real woman that is because your a man dressed as a woman quit lying to yourself.

  19. I don’t respect you or your sick ideology! I am a Christian and You, Lia Thomas are an abomination to the Lord You need to watch the video “HELL IS FOR REAL”!

  20. Dass du dich niard schamst. Für die Manna zu schlecht- na probierst es halt bei dene diesd bsiegn koast. Nächsts ma machst halt bei die Kloana mit. Kindergarten oder so…

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