The SECRET To Release The Driver In Your Golf Swing!

This video lies the secret you’ve been looking for to release the driver correctly in your golf swing! With the aim to stop the rightward slice and start to see more consistent and reliable draws. The secret is a drill you can do which my client, Tom did, to gain more consistency, distance and draws rather than slices in his game… watch until the end to learn how you can do the same!
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Start Downswing With Lower Body ๐Ÿ‘‰


  1. Great video Harry on "the Secret to Releasing" the Driver! I have been working very hard on my release with both irons and woods. My problem has been the timing of my release and sometimes I "nail" it and other times I don't. I like the concept of forearm release and the right hand overtaking the left hand after impact. I think you have helped me out a lot with the situation Harry! Thanks!!!

  2. Great Tips Harry on releasing the driver. It's helped me alot. Thanks ๐Ÿ‘….Also could you do a tips video on hitting 3 wood & hybrids clubs off the fairway. Thankyou ๐Ÿ˜

  3. Donโ€™t forget to mention this a roll release style. Which is a draw bias and timing based swing. Definitely nothing wrong with this type of release. But there is also throw release and body release and momentum release style of swing.

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