30 Handicap Golfer Tries The Irons Only CHALLENGE!

in this round i played my worst in so long! i just want to leave this video in the past haha! Hope you all enjoy!


  1. 🤣🤣🤣😄😄😄😄😄 u get there soon son it challenge and u are doing well

  2. If the ball is going right of target you’re leaving the club face open at impact mate.

  3. I’m making this comment three holes in. Despite the rough start I think you’ll get some bogeys in the round.

  4. Golf is difficult! A few tips…first, have a few lessons focusing on hitting the ball 100-150 straight down the middle (keep it in the fairway). second, keep practicing your chips (head down), third, when putting, practice pace before your round to put the ball close enough to ensure a two putt. don't lift your head to see where the ball goes-listen to it fall in the hole first.

  5. mate, the fear of running out of balls is real. i went out to my home course yesterday and took 6 balls with me. Lost 4 on the front 9 and started s*****ng a brick as i was putting a card in. Fortunately i held on to my last 2 for the duration and actually found 1 of my original lost ball on my way back around the back 9.

  6. also commenting 17 mins in, dont give up the graft mate. As a high handicapper myself (32.7) i totally resonate with you. I feel like we are on the same journey and i completely agree with your comment about hitting an amazing shot or bombing 1 down the fairway, there is no better feeling!!. Keep your chin up pal. If you fancy a drive and want play a short par 4 course in stoke for a future subscriber series video give me a holla.

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