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Gary Parrish Show | Memphis Basketball Non-Conference Schedule Announced, FESJC update | 8/10/2023

00:00 GP opens on the FedEx St. Jude Championship with today’s news and start times

13:30 Memphis Basketball’s Non-Conference Schedule was announced/we highlight the biggest games and make predictions, the ACC appears to be content with not adding additional teams for now, Taylor Swift dropped some big news, no hitter in Philly, and tough situation in Maui

1:25:15 GP’s Carry Out

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  1. Can't blame cleveland for lebron James being an utter choke job. Dan Gilbert did any and everything he could to surround lebron James with the best players, coaches, and general managers. Dan Gilbert gave lebron James the keys to the organization, built lebron James the best basketball practice facility. The problem was nobody, none of the best players in the league wanted to come to cleveland and play basketball not to mention lebron James would never commit to long term contracts to play in cleveland. Nobody or none of the best players wanted to come if lebron James wouldn't commit to long term commitment. The cavaliers went above and beyond, going out and going over the luxury tax for this dude. Lebron James couldn't get it done period..That's not cleveland's fault.

  2. Climate Change, Taylor Swift, planets, I'm sure you guys have all your boosters! Are yal really this dumb or do you.put a hand over your eye, selling out to push a narrative!

  3. Hey Genesis, how can houses be burned to the ground toilets, stoves, refrigerators, ect disintegrated. While the trees are standing next to these houses . The govern your mind that's why it's called governmental, History is His story ….

  4. Oh he's a conspiracy therist , he can think for himself!
    If ya ever wanna debate your huckelberry!
    Dont go outside because the ozonre layer is gone since 2012 thanks to our arisal cams! Reeeeeee yal have brain worms!

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